31. "To Kill Him."

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Hello there beautiful looking Berries...!

So how long has it been...?

Hmmmmm 168 days... 😳

OK, I apologize... But look at the bright side, we got not 1 or 2 but 4 brand new albums...yayyyyyyy

So let's clap your hands for LP1, Fine Line, Walls aaaaannndddddd Heartbreaker Weather... 👏👏👏👏👏

I hope you all are streaming the f out of these masterpieces, along with Icarus Falls, which you all should be thankful for because 80 % of this chapter was written while I was listening to it... Thank you God for creating Zayn Malik. 😌

Alright now I won't take more of your time... But oh wait... I want to dedicate/gift this whole chapter to this 1 sweet little person who's birthday was on 19th February , so Tamanna1224 I love you so much, Ana and once again happy birthday... I hope you like your belated birthday gift, I wish I could make it even more better for you... But still... A big hug SpongeBob ... 😘

(Please take a look at A/N at the end of this chapter and don't forget to reply .. 😊)

Word Count : 14K


(Oct 2016, London)

Harry was sleeping peacefully as the warm body of his husband pressed against his front felt so good. He would nuzzle his face into the soft skin, that was between Louis' shoulders, and would pull him even more close. Louis was completely tranquil in his hold. None of them had such a good sleep in a while, except for the two days when Anne was home. And they just can't get enough of it.

It was a little after 11 in the evening when Louis stirred in his sleep. He felt his throat getting dry from thirst. He tried to lick his lip and gulp but it hurt. So he let out a little whine, pushing on the arm that was holding him down.

" 'Arry !"

Louis shook the tattooed arm thrown over the blanket that was covering them both. But the latter didn't budge. So Louis once again tried and shook his hand and then nudged his chin with his head .

"Harry, wake up !"

" Hmph.. What ? What happened ?" Harry woke up with a startle and pulled the squirming boy to himself.

" What happened, Baby ?" Harry asked pressing his lips over his shoulder.

" Water ! Thirsty!" He was still whining as it was getting hard for him to even open his mouth, he felt like he hasn't tasted a drop of water in years.

" Oh. Yeah, sure." Harry said as he rubbed his hand over his face before running it through his hair to wake himself a little bit, after releasing Louis.

He sat up on the bed and looked over the bedside table where a glass of water was sitting. He looked back at Louis before running his hand through his hair, trying to wake him up as well.

" Angel, sit up for me, would you ? I've got water."

Louis groaned lowly but nodded before started getting up with Harry's help. With one of his arm around Louis' back to keep him steady, Harry turned around to pick up the glass from the table.

" Here, Babe. " Harry spoke bringing the glass next to his lips.

Louis' eyes were still droopy as he blindly put his hand around Harry's and started drinking water. He didn't even take a breath as he chugged down the whole glass of water in one go. He was really thirsty.

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