𝐥𝐱𝐢𝐢. curiosity killed the cat

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧—chapter sixty-two: curiosity killed the cat

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧—chapter sixty-two: curiosity killed the cat

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July 18, 2027

THEY WERE HERE AGAIN—NOT THAT THAT MATTERED. They had all the time in the world to play this game, just as long as they took breaks when needed. They just needed to make sure they shut the game off after every use and put everything back where they found them.

Vincent was still staring at the bathroom hall when they spawned back into the game the next day. Vanessa and Jeremy still had no clue what he was looking at.

"Hey, be aware that if you're gonna do the 1987 mode, the only collectibles in that mode are coins," Jeremy informs before bidding them goodbye as they press the button for Night 1 of 1987.

They're back in the void-like room again with a singular white button. Vincent presses it, and the area shifts again. The twins are now in a cramped office-like space like yesterday. Except, this time, it was an office similar to the first Freddy's location.

While Vanessa checks the cameras, Vincent grabs a coin from behind the monitor. Then, Vanessa switches to the Prize Counter and winds up the music box.

"I don't see the other two coins anywhere," Vincent starts, leaning against the desk. "You think it's, like, I don't know, X-ray vision or something?"

"I know exactly what you're talking about, but you explained it wrong," his sister replies, picking up one of the Freddy masks as she notices Toy Bonnie crawl into the office from one of the vents. "Quick, put the other mask on!"

Vincent grabs the other Freddy mask and slips it over his face. Vanessa was distracted, trying to fend off the blue rabbit. Though, while his sister does so, he notices a coin sitting on the desk. He grabs it just as Toy Bonnie exits the office from the hallway in front of them.

Time was ticking by quite fast, and before the twins knew it, it was already 5:59 a.m. But the only problem was The Puppet walking down the hall. Once it was there, you couldn't do anything to make it go away and head back to the Prize Corner to go hide back in its box. The Puppet gets even closer to the office. It's only a few feet from the desk. At any given moment they could get jumpscared and have to start the night over.

A coin appears on the table. The Puppet was only a foot away. Vincent grabs the coin, closing his eyes, bracing for the jumpscare as the coin dissolves into pixels immediately. But the jumpscare never came. There's the sound of the clock chiming six and he breathes out a sigh of relief. The area then changes back to the lobby.

"Found the coins?" Jeremy asks them then, grinning like a madman. Vanessa nods, looking at their coin total. She then turns back to the interface, glancing up at Vincent.

"You wanna do the other nights, now?" she asks.

"Hell yeah," he answers, flashing her a grin. "If the rest of 'em are anything like the first night, then I am ready."

𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭, 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 (five nights at freddy's)Where stories live. Discover now