30- The key to Purity

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~Night's pov~

Emma was asleep in a few short minutes which didn't really surprise me, she'd been struggling to sleep lately while caught by Team Galactic and the burn on her back and ankle no doubt caused her a lot of pain. I'm honestly surprised she made it to the door and back without falling or waking me in the process. I slowly shifted my position, being careful since Emma was leaning against me and her back was injured. It wouldn't take long for her to be able to heal herself of her burns and the sooner the better. N claims to have changed but I still find him sketchy, and I wouldn't be able to let my guard down until Emma was safely out of here.


The hours passed slowly, the sun had begun to peek through the curtains before Emma stirred again.

"Night?" Emma's voice was soft and unsure.

I rested my head on Emma's shoulder so she could see me. "Yeah?"

"I..." Emma looked like she didn't know what to say. "Are we really..."

"Saying in the same cabin as N in the middle of the forest? Yes, we are."

Her face seemed to drop and she squeezed her eyes shut. "Why did you let him near me?"

"I panicked. His aura... It was different. I didn't sense the darkness in him that once corrupted his heart. Trust me Emma, I would have never let him near you if I thought he would harm you."

Emma was silent but eventually she sighed, looking up at me with fear swirling in her blue hues. "I trust you Night... I'm just having trouble trusting myself lately."

"What do you mean?"

She sat up, wincing slightly as she did so. "It's just... Why can't I defeat the villeins anymore? My Pokémon are in their prime in battle so why am I always so easy to pick off?"

"The bad guys don't play fair Emma. You do, and so far both Team Prosperity and Team Galactic have fought you in unfair battles, Team Plasma would to as well as Team Void. I don't even recall you even getting to finish a battle with any of them before the resorted to knocking you out or threatening your friends. You play fair, and that's nothing to be ashamed of, it's what makes you the Voice of Purity." I lightly nudged her cheek. "I know because you're part of me."

Emma stared at me for several moments, she seemed to have dropped the wall she normally uses to hide her emotions. Her fear, shame, uncertainty and sadness each swirled around freely in her sapphire eyes. She sighed, looking down at her hands. "I'm just not sure of myself anymore. It feels like everything that's happened in my life is because of luck, and now it's running out."

"Everything you have Emma, you fought for. You fought to prove to everyone that you are worthy of everything you have. You've protected your friends with you life and that's something to be proud of. Maybe lucks been involved but not with everything, you have what you do because you're a fighter. You don't give up."

My trainer wiped her eyes. "I don't know how I'm meant to do it anymore. How can I keep fighting this on my own?"

I shrugged, inspecting my silky tails. "You can't."

Emma frowned at me. "Was that meant to be helpful advice?"

"I didn't finish, you can't keep fighting on your own. That's why you're friends are here for you, you're Pokémon to. You don't have to keep fighting on you're own Emma because you have so many people willing to help you but you just keep pushing hpthem away."

Emma didn't reply again, hanging her head and refusing to meet my eye so I decided to continue.

"You're a brave girl Emma, you've been though a lot, most of that would break a person but you keep coming back and fighting more. You don't need to shut out your friends to protect them because that will put them in more danger then if you accept their help. I know it's hard for you to trust people because of your past but you have to try."

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