41- Does anyone understand Shadow anymore?

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I woke up the next morning with an absolutely horrible headache. A muffled groan came from the fact that I wasn't even able to heal something so simple, a pain I could normally fix no matter what my current state was. It dulled my senses and clouded my thoughts making being trapped in an echoing cell so much worse. I buried my head in my pillow, hoping to muffle out any sound. Of course I had emergency pain killers but they were in my travel bag since I never normally had to use them.

I'd woken the night before alone in this cell, containing nothing more the a simple bed made from a smooth wooden bed frame and plain white bedding, a matching side table which held two empty draws and two heavy metal doors, one leading out no doubt and another leading to a bathroom. The bathroom was luxurious as far as prison cells go, it had a real, working shower which is a first for me... That statement is actually quite depressing once you think about it... I didn't remember how I'd become unconscious since I didn't remember entering the cell and the last thing I remembered was loosing the battle. Of course my Pokèballs were missing from my belt but that was to be expected. It didn't stop me from worrying about them though, most of them were in critical conditions, beyond even what I could heal.

A small sigh passed my lips as I buried my face into my pillow. I'd been refusing to look up due to the security camera in the top corner of my 'room' and my stubbornness of not wanting to let Kathrine see me upset but I knew I unfortunately couldn't stay under the covers forever.

The hinges of my cell door teased me with a high pitched squeak as the it was pushed open. I huffed as I pulled the covers over my head, only to leave my socked feet exposed. Pulling them under, I hoped my intruder would get the message that I didn't want to be disturbed right now, or ever but particularly now because my head feels like it just used Self Destruct.

A poke on my shoulder told me that obviously, they were looking for an ass beating. "Leave me alone Shadow." I grumbled, not moving from my duvet cocoon. "Not in the mood."

"How'd you know it was me, you were all ready under covers when I entered." He questioned sounding like a bored child looking for entertainment.

"Aura dumb butt." I grumbled, still not able to actually swear for risk of my injured Pokémon being hurt more.

"Naw, still not allowed to use profanities I see."

"Don't even go there."

"Or what, you'll Aura Sphere me?"

To prove my point, I rolled over and kicked him sharply in the stomach, watching in satisfaction as he double over in shock. "Warned you. Now fudge off and leave me alone." With that I fixed up my blanket before once more turning my back to him, relying on aura to warn me of danger.

"Seems you know how to defend yourself, even without your powers." Shadow wheezed.

"Well how do you think I defended myself against buttholes like you before I became Voice of Purity?" I growled. "Now please just let me sleep."

"You didn't put up much struggle the first time I kidnapped you."

I went to kick him again out of annoyance but he saw it coming, grabbing my foot to stop me, my reaction was swift as I used the fact he was already providing me balance to kick him squarely in the jaw. "I said leave me alone, I have a headache bad enough as it is without you fucking it up... I mean-- arg." Let's hope nothing picked up that slip.

Rubbing his jaw with an agitated look, Shadow frowned at me, icy blue eyes spearing me like filed icicles but I simply ignored him and flopped back under the duvet.

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