18- a bad guy?

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Days must of passed, but for I knew I could of been a few weeks. Time seemed to drag by and with nothing to do other then plan ways of escape then figure out why they'd fail or try to stretch my cramped muscles in the shoebox like cage I was given, things were looking bleak. My nightmares kept me from sleeping as well as my general distain for sleeping in a situation where I was being held prisoner, anything could happen and I hated to leave myself venerable by sleeping, not to mention, let the members of this twisted team witness me having a nightmare. Night only showed up for small periods of time before disappearing again for reasons she wouldn't tell me which left me completely alone most the time. The only other time I wasn't alone was when a grunt came in to feed me three times a day, a few times I'd planned on jumping them and running but the grunts always came in with one of their corrupted Mega Scizzor and on my own I stood no chance. I only really had one chance to get out of here, if I failed it might make the leaders of this organisation take away what little comfort I had right now, namely the warm food and blanket. The food never got any better then the first meal I had here but it didn't get worse either, often bland and flavourless but edible all the same.

My nightmares weren't making this situation better either. Almost every time I closed my eyes I was tortured by the horrors of things from my past or forced to watched my loved ones die. Twice I'd gone up to the Legendary Castle only to find no rest there as it continued to fall to pieces. Night was nowhere to be seen both times, though I was told that Arceus was furious with her about something so she was hiding most likely. Both times I'd been hoping to see Melody who was still with Silver and Red thankfully, since she could most likely trace me to here, even though I apparently had a guardian angel doing the exact same thing but I still didn't know who to expect for that. It seemed like everything in my life was getting further from me while I was unable to do anything about it. The only thing I had in my favour was the Pokéball I still had in my pocket. I didn't know who's it was since I was afraid I was being watched and taking it out would probably mean it would be taken away and when the chance of escape did come up, having any of my Pokemon with me would make for higher chance of escape. Even if it was Trixie, Petunia or Dreamer. The only problem was, how to get out of this damned cage?

The bars were to narrow for me to reach to far through, and even if I could the lock needed both a key and a passcode, I had neither. My only real option was try and trick someone into letting me out but I couldn't escape with the corrupted Mega's being around when ever anyone else was. The only time I got to come out of the cage was for 5 minutes to go to the bathroom two or three times a day which was never long enough for me to get enough strength to be able to use my powers, no matter how hard I would try, the most I'd ever been able to do was heal the gash on my head.

I sighed and rubbed my temples from the headache I was giving myself. I had no idea how much time I had left before this organisation would do something to me. Why I was here, I still no idea. I had been hoping that someone would clear that up but no one had. I just hope it had nothing to do with anything in this room which I'd gotten a closer look at during one of my guarded trips to the bathroom which was in the corner of the room I was in. I didn't even know what half the things were for but even looking at them sent chills down my spine. Equipment I didn't even recognise that looked like something for a futuristic si-fi movie laid neatly on the benches in the corner of the room. Once a grunt caught me looking at the equipment, debating in my head if anything could be used to escape but before I could even get a good look at anything, the Scizzor he had with him forced me towards the small bathroom, putting an end to that plan.

I pulled my blanket closer around me and sighed. This wouldn't work. Until someone came to rescue me I was a damsel in distress again. Which I hated more then anything. The sound of the door opening caught my attention and I opened my eyes to see the cage door opening and an all to familiar face showed up in the opening.

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