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"thank you Howard" Evy smiled at him making him do the same "of course, anything for you"

"and to you Peg" he added making Peggy roll her eyes "hey, no goodbye kiss?" he asked raising his eyebrows. Evy gave him a glare before walking towards him and pulling him into a hug "this isn't a kiss but okay, I'll accept it" howard mumbled hugging her tight

"gotta go ladies" he smiled at them after pulling back and getting back inside his car "where are you going?" Evy asked "going to search for our Steve" Howard sent them a small smile before driving away

Evy nodded in response while Peggy looked at her looking at her reaction "Evy" she called rubbing her back "I'm okay, I just miss them" she mumbled

"let's g-" Peggy was cut off when a man bumped to Evy "watch where your going!" the man said turning to look at her. After looking at him up and down, she saw a tall man with blonde hair wearing formal suit. He sent Evy a glare before walking away

"Evy" Peggy held her back when she was supposed to chase the man "hey, asshole!" she yelled at him making his head turn back at her, she turned the back of her hand toward him and put her middle finger up

The man glared at her again with his index finger pointing at her like he's warning her "Evy, come on" Peggy said laughing "what's funny" Evy asked walking with her "you are"

"Good morning ladies" Rose greeted them before they went inside the head quarters. Everyone's head instantly turn to the two with surprised looks on their faces not expecting the two to be back on the SSR

"your early" Dooley spoke as the two went inside his office and took a seat "better than late" Evy replied

"Carter your desk is on the back right there" Dooley pointed outside on his left "and Lenoir, yours is next to Thompson" he added earning a raised eyebrows from Evy waiting for him to continue who Thompson is "right. Thompson's desk is o-" he was cut off when the door opened

"Chief, the files from L.A just arrived" a man spoke from behind Peggy and Evy "good your here. This is agent Jack Thompson" Dooley introduced him to the two. "Oh" Peggy after turning to look at the man. Evy also turned her head to see the same man that bumped into her minutes ago

"You?!" Jack and Evy said in unison "you both know each other?" Dooley asked looking at them "what are you doing here?" Jack asked earning a grin from her "they are our new agents son" Dooley replied

The two held eye contact and glared at each other making Peggy's eyes roll "alright, let's get to work" dooley spoke interrupting their staring contest. He stood up from his seat and opened the door for the three of them motioning with his head for them to get out

The two stood up on their seats making their way towards the door "Gentlemen, this is Agent Lenoir and Agent Carter" Dooley spoke loud enough for everyone on the bullpen to hear

Peggy heads towards her desk while Evy lazily walked towards hers with a scowl on her face knowing she's next to Jack. After she reached her desk, Jack looked at her confused before looking at the desk next to his realizing her desk is next to his "lucky me" he mumbled sarcastically earning a glare from Evy

"wanna tell me your name sweetheart?" A man spoke from behind her after she sat down on her chair. Evy only ignored him but the man spoke again "there's no harm on giving me your name, come on"

"Krzeminski leave the lady alone" another man spoke who has a elbow crutch beside his desk. Evy slowly stood up from her chair and faced the man that has been bothering her

Krzeminski looked her up and down and smirked at her seeing her looking at him already. Evy punched him right on his stomach making him groan and place a hand on his stomach, she looked at him for a second before kicking him between his legs

Krzeminski dropped to the floor in pain while holding his other hand on his manhood. Evy say back down on her chair seeing the man with a elbow crutch looking at her, she smiled sweetly at him making him quickly smile back at her. Jack couldn't contain his smirk when he took a glance at Evy before looking down at Krzeminski who's still groaning on the floor

Dooley came out from his office collecting the files when he saw Krzeminski groaning in pain on the floor "what the hell are you doing in there?" he asked him "Lenoir" he squeak. Dooley looked at Evy seeing her flipping through the file on her hand ignoring the man laying on the floor beside her "get your ass up out of that damn floor" he demands making Krzeminski slowly get up from the floor with a hand stil on his manhood.

Hours passed, Evy and Peggy was having a quiet day inside the headquarters without surprisingly, being bothered by anyone "You might want to hurry with the files, Chief needs them to be filed by tomorrow" Jack spoke standing in front of Evy's desk

She pulled her drawer open taking out the files and placing them on her desk in front of him "how about now?" she asked with her eyebrows raised. Jack glared at her before taking the files and walking away making Evy grin knowing she pissed him off just by that

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