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"will you stop?" Peggy ask glaring at Evy "stop what?" she asked clueless "stop kicking my desk, you are overthinking I'm sure Howard isn't going anywhere" Peggy assured her "yeah the letter says otherwise"

The buzzing of the alarm made both of the ladies head turn and the other agents to hurry towards the briefing room.

"what's going on?" Evy asked dooley who came out from his office "we just caught a redball out of D.C. All hands on deck" she glanced at Peggy with raised eyebrows and Peggy shot her a confused look

They were both about to head to the briefing room with Dooley when he spoke "meaning cover the phones" he said turning to the two. Evy rolled her eyes and picked up the telephone next to her "Rose, forward all calls to the briefing room. Covered. Shall we?" Evy said not even bothering to wait for him to say anything before heading to the briefing room

A fanfare plays, the projector running. The moment that the announcer said Howard's name, Evy immediately knew what's happening. The letter now made sense, he was planning to run away from his problems instead of facing them "damn you Howard" she cursed under her breath while everyone watches the projector

She did told him to do what he thinks is right knowing that he's a genius but after the stupid decision he made, he's no genius but a reckless man. Evy was so lost in her own thoughts to realize that the projector has stopped

"So far, six pieces of Stark's technology have turned up either on the black market or in the arsenals of enemy states. He's been waffling on the Hill, treating the whole thing like a joke. Yesterday was the final day of hearings. Stark didn't show. They checked his half a dozen houses and his half a dozen offices... Nothing. So, as of this moment, Howard Stark is not only in contempt of Congress, he's a fugitive from justice. Find him. Squeeze him till he loses his sense of humor." Dooley explained making Evy sigh heavily

"Thompson. You're lead." He said turning to look at Jack "I'll ground his planes, freeze his bank accounts" he glanced at Peggy and Evy "There are girls at First Federal who wants to owe me a favor"

Evy rolled her eyes at him "sir I really must object" Peggy spoke "why am i not surprised?" he raised his hand telling her to continue "I knew Howard Stark during the war. His help was invaluable. He may be a great many things, but he's not a traitor" Peggy objected

"Howard Stark may be reckless but he's not a traitor " Evy finally spoke making everyone's head turn to her "we're all aware of your record, agents" Dooley respond looking at the both of them "I'm sure being Captain America and Howard Stark's... liaison... brought you into contact with all sorts of interesting people." Evy wasn't stupid, she knew the comment was directed to her and it made her blood boil but she knew it was best if she stays quiet knowing she won't be able to hold back

"But the war's over. Let the professionals decide who's worth going after" Dooley walked out and so did half of the agents "Sounds like Carter and Lenoir knew a lot of guys during the war" Krzeminski said in a whisper but loud enough for everyone left in the room to hear

Evy ignored him and made her way out of the briefing room only to be stop by Jack on the doorway "gonna be a little busy with your friend Stark. If you don't mind, these surveillance reports need to be filed, and... You're really so much better at that kind of thing" he smugly said handing her the surveillance reports but she didn't took them

"what kind of thing is that, Agent Thompson? the alphabet? I can teach you, let's start with the words beginning with a" Peggy spoke from behind her interrupting their conversation. Jack only responds with a laugh

"a bet is a bet, isn't it Agent Thompson?" Evy asked with raised eyebrows "a bet?" Peggy asked looking between the two. Jack sent her a glare and took the surveillance reports to his desk with a scowl on his face making Evy smirk "poor guy, he'll never be able to stand you" Daniel spoke "why is that?" Evy asked turning to him "has never been put on his place like you always do"

"I'm flattered to hear that" Evy smiled at him making Daniel and Peggy chuckle "I'll see you both later" he announced leaving the two and sending Evy a small smile "he's head over heels for you" Peggy teased "who isn't?" Evy replied with a grin "give the man a chance then" she suggested

"too busy for that" Peggy smirked looking at her "shut up, you're not." Peggy rolled her eyes "yes I am, Carter"

"how's things between you and Howard before this" she asked "good actually, we got really close this past few months. Always giving me headaches but other than that we're fine"

"did I hear that right? you and him are close"

"yeah, and?"

"the last time you were that close to a man was with Barnes and you ended up falling in love with him"

"Peggy I'm too busy being an Agent for those things right now"

"is that really the reason?"

Evy let's out a sigh knowing the actual answer to that and its no. It wasn't actually work, it was Steve. She do miss him and she still do love him

No one but the both of them knew about the sneakings they did back in the camp and words exchanged from each other. They knew it was better to keep it to theirselves rather than let a single soul know what's happening between them. Words around the camp spread faster than a disease does and Evy are still surprised that no one did noticed the relationship that they had for weeks

For some, it would seem like they fell too fast, but to them it wasn't. They both have been wanting each other for long and they didn't knew it until they confessed to each other

"Evelyn" peggy called her loudly finally snapping her out of her own thoughts "I lost you for a minute, are you okay?" she asked seeing how her expression dropped "I'm okay" Evy smiled to her "you wanna talk about it?" Peggy asked knowing something is bothering her "another time"

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