Thirty three

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2 days after...

Dooley was standing in the middle of the bullpen as he waits for the agents that went to russia "Chief" Peggy greeted walking in first and soon after, Jack followed and greeted him

Jack scanned the room as he stood in front of the Chief "where's everyone else?" Dooley asked "they headed straight home" Peggy replied "in my office" Dooley nodded towards his office, Peggy nodded her head and went straight there

"Thompson, I said in my office" he called snapping him out seeing him scanning the room. "You really think I'd let her stay here at this time of the night?" he asked chuckling "what?" Jack asked turning to Dooley "Lenoir's already home, son"

Jack chuckled shaking his head "I wasn't looking for her, I just missed the bullpen" Dooley grinned and pats his back as they walk towards his office "I know you well Thompson"

The two stood next to each other while Dooley sat on his chair waiting for them to speak. Jack let's out a deep breath and turned to the Chief "Agent Li died honorably in action. It's my sworn duty
as his commanding officer to deliver the condolences of the United States to his family" Jack quietly spoke

Dooley stood up and looked down shaking his head "No Stark, no Leviathan?" he asked "No, sir. But Agent Carter was able to acquire intel about Leviathan from Dr. Ivchenko, about
the enemy's possible end game"

"We were able to retrieve him from a Leviathan prison. He's very eager to cooperate with the SSR in any way he can" Peggy spoke turning to the two "But he doesn't think Stark's connected to the Leviathan?" Dooley asked turning to them "No. And I don't, either" Peggy responds

"Send the doctor in on your way out. Good work, Carter" He ordered "thank you sirc she smiled before they both went out

"Leviathan has been very successful. Mechanical, biological..." Ivchenko was cut off by Peggy "Human? Is that what that young girl was, a human weapon?" she asked looking at him "My knowledge of specific operations
is sadly restricted to only what I was told" Ivchenko shrugged "That building seemed to house a training facility.
Shackles on the beds, classrooms." Peggy spoke again

"Training young girls to be what, assassins?" Dooley asked "Seems like the Russians would want to train grown men" Jack said crossing his arms "Women are often overlooked, taken for granted. They can slip easily through a man's defenses" Ivchenko continued

"How many girls were there?" Peggy worriedly asked "Again, I was not allowed..." Peggy once again cuts Ivchenko off "Do you think the girls could have been deployed here, to America?"

"I wish I could be of more assistance,
Agent Carter..."

"Who could be of more assistance, Dr. Ivchenko?"

Dooley abruptly stood up opening the door of his office "Agent Carter... A word." he spoke nodding outside. The two went outside "Chief Dooley, I really must insist you allow me to continue to..." Peggy spoke as they went out

"Carter, could you just zip it for a minute? Geez. Look, your work in Russia was admirable, but this is still my operation. And I need to hear everything he has to say about Leviathan. And as callous as it sounds,
I don't really care about some little girl"

"Well, you should, because that little girl, I believe, grew up to kill Agent Krzeminski"

"Where did you come up with that theory?"

"Ballistics identified the firearm that killed Krzeminski to be a Korovin TK, a Russian gun"


"Not only that, it's small. Small enough to be more suitable for a woman's grip"

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