Thirty seven

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Peggy has been standing in front of Evy by the door for a almost a minute without saying a word to her. She couldn't find any words to say, everything that has happened stunned her and the day just started

"hello" Evy called, Peggy shook her head and sat across from her after she took a breath "are you okay?" Peggy asked making Evy grin "I don't think that's how interrogation starts Peg" she joked

"you can drop the act Evy, it's just us they're back on the office" Peggy calmly told her. Evy glanced behind Peggy and stared at the double sided glass "trust me" Peggy added. She turned back to look at her and stared at Peggy's eyes reading her

"I'm fine Peg" she finally responded softy "why did you have to hide all this" Evy smiled and shook her head "it's a cruel world out there Peggy, you can never trust anyone, not even yourself"

"do you have an idea about Howard's missing inventions?" Evy shook her head "if I did I wouldn't have hesitate to say a word, you know me. I value my works more than anything"

"You're a spy, Evy. You could get any information that you want in any moment" Peggy spoke in a low tone "but I chose not to, Howard's a jerk but he's no traitor. He has his reason why he ran away and I let him"

Peggy smiled widely and held her hand "he's earned a soft spot didn't he" Evy rolled her eyes "but I know he's here right now in New York, I do not keep tracks of him but my institution knows it" Peggy went silent for a moment and Evy glanced at her

"you weren't supposed to be in this position" she looked back at Evy "sooner or later I knew it would happen, my fate has been written ever since I was young"

Peggy felt nothing but pity and guilt. She pity Evy for everything that she have went through, her childhood was taken away from her. Mostly, guilt was eating her up knowing that if Howard didn't created this mess, Evy's past wouldn't have been revealed in that way

"Evy, I'm really sorry" Evy only looked at her blankly and just by looking at Peggy's eyes, Evy has put it all together. That sadness in her eyes wasn't just pity, it was guilt. Peggy is Howard's spy and her instincts has been right all along

"Carter" Dooley spoke entering the room Peggy looked at him "my office, we have to discuss all this" Peggy stood up and went out while Evy's gaze stayed in the double sided glass "Evelyn" he called making her head turn "stay here, please"

"since you asked nicely" she smiled at him before he closed the door and didn't bother to lock it knowing that she can get out from that room in any moment that she'd want

"what did you get" Dooley turned to Peggy "she knows nothing about Howard Chief, I did everything I could" Dooley shook his head "that's impossible, he's her lover plus she's a spy" Jack spoke "I didn't believed her too but she was right, she told me that she could get any information that she wants but she didn't"

"Chief, what if we..." Daniel was about to suggest when Dooley stopped him "Sousa no, we won't let Evelyn be our own spy, she betrayed us enough"

"what do we do with her" Peggy asked "same thing as what we do to criminals" Dooley replied "but she's no criminal, that was all her past" Peggy interfere "she's still an enemy Carter" Jack spoke with his head down low "get her" Dooley ordered to them

Evy was back on handcuffs when Jack and Peggy took her out from the interrogation room "I hope you enjoyed your small time of having freedom" Dooley said looking at her "trust me, I can make it longer" she smiled at him "behind bars? I don't think so Solovyev"

"I'll be out in a minute, bring her outside, the car's aalready there. I assigned 15 agents out there, we never know what she's gonna do next" Dooley ordered. Jack nodded and turned Evy toward the exit of the bullpen "it was nice knowing you Daniel" she smiled sweetly at him. Daniel only nodded his head trying to hide his disappointment

"for the last time, behave" Jack warned as he opened the door of the back of the car for her and sat her inside before closing it "that's your ride" Jack told Peggy as he nodded to the car behind the one that they're standing beside of

Dooley crossed the street to walk towards them and Peggy went to the car she's supposed to ride at "ready Chief" Jack asked "are you" Dooley replied getting inside the passenger seat and Jack on the driver's seat

"you have gained my respect and trust Evelyn, never knew you were more than trouble itself" Dooley said as he removed his hat. He turned to the front view mirror to take a glance at her

"oh son of a bitch" he mumbled seeing the back seat empty. He immediately got out of the car with Jack following after turning to look back at the back seat "where is she" Dooley yelled to all the agents standing outside "Sir, she's already inside t-"

"Lenoir is gone, search everywhere this damn City" he yelled at the agents and they all started running around while others got into their car to drive around the City

Peggy came out of the car after seeing everyone scurrying around. She walked towards the car that Evy was just shoved into minutes ago and looked on the window of the back seat only to find nothing but the handcuffs that she was just on before

Peggy took a sigh and looked around seeing no hints of her, she knew Evy wouldn't settle to jail. Peggy knew all along that Evy would escape at any moment and she didn't bother to tell anyone, she no longer care about what she have done on the past, as long as Evy is safe, that's all that matters to her

"for heavens sake, there were fifteen of you in here, watching every move that she takes and you're telling me none of you saw her escape or open the car door" Dooley yelled when an agent came back telling him that they couldn't find her

The whole SSR did nothing that day but search for Evy in the whole City, they even had agents at every airports to make sure that she won't leave the country. Peggy wanted nothing but for Evy to escape safely and hopefully go somewhere where she could finally get the peace that she have never got, she wanted to stop searching for Evy but still cooperated in the search

"This better be a good news" Dooley stood up as agents of SSR Washington walked inside the bullpen "we have searched everywhere and called in for any trace of Agent Lenoir but we found nothing" the agent spoke

"for fucks sake" Dooley mumbled. The agents made their way out as Jack walked out from the office "nobody has seen Lenoir for the past hours Chief" he reported

Dooley sighed pinching the bridge of his nose trying to think about they're next move "Chief, we have been looking for evy for straight twelve hours now" Peggy spoke "I suggest we take a break" Daniel backed her up "I suggest we stop" Peggy continued. They all turned to her

"we all have seen and heard what she can do and I don't doubt that there's much more, there's no way Evy would let us put her behind bars. As much as you try to deny it she's impossible to catch, Evy is stubborn and unstoppable we all know that even before her actual files came out"

Dooley shook his head in defeat. Every person in the room knew Peggy was right, they almost forgot that what they're trying to catch is not just a normal criminal that they have dealt with before, Evy is a russian spy, there is no way they would be able to catch the most dangerous russian assasin easily

"pack all your stuff and go home, we have works to do tomorrow" Dooley announced to everyone finally accepting that Peggy was right, their main problem was Howard after all

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