Thirty five

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Every agent inside the bullpen were holding a file on ther own hands when Evy walked in and a few took a glance at her that didn't last for a second. As she was continuing her way inside, ready to head to her desk, she was met by Dooley, Thompson and Sousa. All three of them were standing in the middle of the bullpen

"and what's going on" Evy glanced at the agents who were so neck deep in the files on their hands "we got a huge catch" Dooley spoke looking at her "about Howard?" she asked "unfortunately, it's bigger than that" Jack quietly spoke turning to her while Sousa only took a glance at her before looking around "unfortunately? I don't understand" she replied

Dooley let's out a sigh "not here" he nodded towards the interrogation room. Evy followed him with confusion displayed on her face while Jack and Sousa walked beside her "is this really this big of deal that we have to discuss it in the interrogation room?" Evy asked

"it's bigger than you think Agent Lenoir" Jack sharply responds as they continued their way there

They all went inside the interrogation room while Evy stood there still confused, no matter how big the case is, they never discuss it on the interrogation. Every single thing that she noticed the moment that she walked inside the bullpen rushed back to her and she immediately knew something is wrong

"what's going on" she quietly asked eyeing the three of them. Sousa left the room making her head turn to him and Jack took the chance to put her in handcuffs making her head to quickly turn to him "what the hell are you doing" she asked

Jack pushed her down on the chair and remove the handcuffs from her left wrist only to handcuff her into the table. Evy glared at him while Dooley only stood there watching her "you better tell me what's going on before I start thinking that you're only losing your mind" she turned to Dooley

Daniel came back with a envelope in his hand and placed it on the table in front of evy but her eyes stayed on Dooley and nodded to Jack "don't go easy on her just because she's a girl. She's more than just a girl" he spoke glaring at Evy

The two left the room leaving Jack and Evy who's still handcuffed to the table inside the interrogation. Jack removed his suit jacket and placed it on the top rail. Evy rolled her eyes as she watched him do the same move he does before starting an interrogation

Jack took the envelope and opened it revealing a brown file that looks old. Evy immediately knew what that file is but she was silently hoping that it's not what she think it is

"why are we in the interrogation this... what is evy doing in there?" Peggy asked seeing Evy inside the interrogation "see it yourself Carter" Dooley spoke while Peggy watched Evy with confusion

Jack glanced at Evy before turning the file around to show her the words written on it "would you read that for me? I'm having a hard time here figuring out what this means" he spoke. Evy only looked at him with a blank look at her face after glancing at the file, she was in utter shock but she showed no signs of it "that won't be hard for you to read would it? considering you're russian"

Evy glanced at the file and looked back at him "of course, want me to sing you the alphabet in russian?" she asked grinning at him

"why am I starting to doubt that that file isn't actually hers" Daniel quietly spoke "what?" Dooley asked irritated "you can't blame me Chief, that isn't the exact reaction that I was expecting from her and so do you" Peggy turned to the two "that russian assassin file belongs to Evelyn?" she asked in shock

"can't believe it either" Dooley replied "You're trying to act calm, alright" Jack smiled getting up "let's take a look on your actual file" Evy shrugged "be my guest" there was no denying it, even if Evy tries to, she knows that these people aren't that stupid

"Evelina Natalia Solovyev" The last time that she heard that name was 11 years ago back where she was raised

"I promise I'll come back" Evy said with tears running down her eyes "I know, you never break your promises" the blonde smiled at her. Evy hugged her tightly and placed a kiss on her head. "Escape safely" the blonde whispered at her and she nodded in reponse "I'll come back for you" Evy repeated in a whisper after hearing footsteps from a far "go now"

Evy kissed her head one last time before running towards the hidden exit that she have found days before. Agents entered the room and the blonde immediately yelled "Natalia, go!" Evy turned back to her seeing two agents holding her while the other one injected her making her scream in pain. Evy wanted to run back to her but if she did, she won't be able to escape and if she won't escape, no one else could save them all

"Don't say that again" she glanced at Jack "why, it reminds you of who you actually are?" he smirked down at her "no, you have a really bad russian accent" Jack only glared at her and looked back at sher file on his hand "Russian spy no. 07" Jack kept reading her file making Evy roll her eyes

"Citizenship: Soviet"
"Place of birth: Moscow, Russia"
"Date of birth: 1925"
"Hair: Brown"
"Eyes: Emerald green"
"Status: Unknown"

"It is indeed unknown" Jack glanced at her who looked at him with nothing but a blank stare on her face. He looked back at her file to continue reading
"Title..." he slowly stopped and blinked his eyes not believing what his eyes are reading. Jack went pale as he stare at the words written next to her title "go on" she said in a low tone knowing exactly what's written in there

Jack glanced at her before looking towards the double sided glass and gulped. The three watches Jack im confusion "the hell is happening to him" Dooley spoke. Jack went to the door and left Evy inside the interrogation room

"Thompson, what is happening" Dooley asked as he entered the other side of the interrogation room "I think we forgot to read her whole file" Jack replied handing him Evelyn's file

"what does it say?" Daniel asked waiting for the chief to read where Jack stopped "Title: Most dangerous russian assassin" Peggy looked at Dooley with pure shock "Dear Lord" she mumbled. She didn't know what to feel, everything around her seems to be blurry after hearing that. It's not the title that shocked her the most, it's how Evy managed to hide all of that for years thinking she already know Evy well

Daniel and Jack was quiet the whole time trying to process it all "she really have fooled us all" Daniel spoke. They all glanced at the glass to see her casually checking her nails before looking at them through the glass even though all she can see there was her reflection, they know that she knows they are on the other side

"get some air, I'll go in there" Dooley told Jack, he nodded in response and Dooley took a breath before leaving the room.

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