Day of the Death Eaters Part 7 (NM X Female Reader)

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My thoughts swirled with every possible outcome to my predicament over the following week. The days passed by both far too slowly and far too quickly as I filled my time with my studies and finding out what little I could for the Dark Lord.

By the time Friday afternoon rolled around once more I was no closer to figuring out whether or not I could truly trust Narcissa not to rat me out or even simply slip up and put us both in danger. My anxious thoughts were piling on the closer and closer I got to returning but now I was out of time.

I begrudgingly drug my tired body up the driveway and into the large house, being met with complete and utter silence for once. Our next meeting had been pushed back until next weekend as several of the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself were out on a mission somewhere outside of the UK.

I actually had no real reason to be here this weekend but it had become my normal routine, and I assumed whoever was still here would be expecting me. It also gave me an opportunity to see for myself how Narcissa was taking my onslaught of information and whether or not she had decided to pursue our relationship after contemplating my actions for the past week.

I made my way up the familiar set of stairs and down the even more familiar hallway to the bedroom I always occupied when I wasn't with Cissy. As soon as I stepped into the room I could feel that the atmosphere was.. off. I could feel an extra presence in the room and looked around to see who could possibly be hanging out in here.

My gaze landed on the woman sitting on the window seat with a book of poetry in hand. She turned to face me when she heard the door open and stood with a warm smile sent in my direction.

I hesitantly stepped fully into the room and shut the door, eyeing the older witch in slight concern as I placed my overnight bag down on the bed and turned to face her.

"Hello darling. I wasn't sure if you were coming this weekend or not." She sounded calm, normal.

"I'm honestly not sure exactly why I'm here either. Just routine I guess." I chuckled nervously, not wanting to meet her eyes as I shifted my weight back and forth.

"Yes well.. I'm glad you're here." My gaze flitted up to meet hers, seeing nothing except sincerity in her big brown eyes.

"I missed you." My voice was small and hesitant, throat thick with tears all of a sudden as the emotions overwhelmed me. I just wanted to go back to how things were before she knew.

The older witch opened her arms to me and I hesitated for only a brief second, just long enough for my mind to conjure the thought of being stabbed in the back with a weapon and my eyes to roam over Narcissa's hands and body to check that they were clear.

I stepped into her embrace, melting into the warmth of the hug and molding my body into hers as I had so many times before. It was a comfortable and familiar feeling; it felt like home which I had never experienced with another person before.

"Come on. Let's take a little walk outside shall we? There's still a little bit of sunlight left and I guess we should discuss some things." I nodded into her chest and with a sigh, pulled back instantly feeling cold and hollow without her touch.

I followed Narcissa downstairs and out into the gardens, us walking side by side in silence for a few minuets as we both considered what to say to each other. I couldn't take the tension any longer and finally blurted something out to break the awkward silence.

"I'm sorry. I never meant.." I was cut off.

"Don't. You have nothing to be sorry for y/n. You were doing what you felt was best for your current situation as did I many years ago. I cannot fault you for that. I just wish you would've told me sooner." She sounded sad, disappointed that I didn't feel like I could trust her with that information to begin with.

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