NM X Reader Smut

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My wrists were bound with soft, black satin, pulled taunt as the rings on the ceiling squeaked with the effort of keeping my hands held hostage. My ankles were bound with the same material, tied to the posts at the foot of the bed and keeping my bare cunt exposed to anyone who happened to walk into the room.

A ball gag kept me from speaking, a blindfold kept me from seeing, and the itchy rope wound intricately around my torso like a set of lewd lingerie scratched at my skin every time I moved.

The 'snap' of a leather strap made me flinch, jerking my head towards the noise as my breathing came shallower and my heart began to race with anxiety. I was too aware of the ropes, the silk, the gag, everything touching me.

As my ears tracked the other woman's movements around the bed I tugged on one wrist, feeling too restrained and suddenly needing to move. I flinched sideways again as the leather came in contact with my skin, lightly trailing up my outside thigh and my side just adding to the overstimulation.

I knew she wouldn't actually hurt me just as I knew this wasn't a real scenario. It was nothing but erotic role play, my partner living out her fantastical dominatrix fantasies. I was normally into it, finding pleasure in the pain and trust it took to allow another person to have complete control like this.

However, for some reason I just wasn't comfortable tonight and everything all at once was just too much. I felt my every inch of my skin crawling with anxiety and I flexed my fingers in the straps to try and alleviate the growing tension within me.

"Such a pretty little thing, laying there all tied up with nowhere to go." Narcissa purred, lightly running the leather across my jaw and down the center of my bare chest. The sensation was like a bunch of tiny pin pricks wherever the strap touched my skin, the fine hairs intensifying every small touch.

The room was simultaneously too cold and too hot, my skin clammy against the soft bedsheets. I began to wriggle against my restraints, wanting to be free but unable to voice my discomfort and also not wanting to tap out just yet.

"Aw already needy for my touch are we little dove?" Narcissa cooed, misinterpreting my movements as desire rather than anxiety.

Cold fingers caressed my cheek and trailed all the way down my body until they made it between my legs, my body jolting at the sudden surge of electricity between my thighs. I was overly sensitive right now but it wasn't pleasurable, even having a prick of pain in my core as she toyed with my cunt.

I was not uncomfortable with Narcissa touching me, that wasn't it at all, but I was quickly spiraling into an unexplainable anxiety attack. I tried to focus on the feelings between my legs, force myself to enjoy the digits roaming through my folds and inside of me as she spoke of how pretty I looked as she finger fucked me.

Nevertheless, my breathing began to speed up, my chest rising and falling rather harshly as I flexed my fingers and toes to keep trying to alleviate the ever growing tension in my body. I wasn't sure how much more I could take, the need to get out from under the overstimulation steadily growing stronger no matter how hard I tried to force it down.

I whimpered, beads of sweat forming on my skin as my thighs involuntarily tried to close themselves to get away from the hand between them. Narcissa must have finally realized this was more than just lust because suddenly the hand was gone and the room was silent for a moment, the other woman undoubtedly watching me with a critical eye to try and work out what was the matter.

"Remember my love, all you have to do is knock on the headboard if we need to stop." She reminded me gently, laying a hand on my thigh in a much more loving way than she had previously.

I didn't respond, not wanting to ruin the fun by being a pussy. It's not like we hadn't done this a dozen times before. I didn't understand why my body was responding like it was tonight and I didn't like it but I didn't want to make my partner feel like she had done something wrong or think that I was just too vanilla either.

When I didn't tap out Narcissa's fingers returned to my cunt, although much more hesitantly this time, slowly caressing every inch of my core and trying to help me relax. I was sure she was keeping a careful eye on how I was responding to her touch, the way my skin shone with sweat, the way my fingers clutched tightly at the silk holding them, the way my eyebrows furrowed with unease.

After a couple of minuets of attempting to loosen up my body and arouse my cunt, a sharp little tingle went through my lower half causing me to choke on a gasp and flinch, trying to clamp my legs shut again as much as the restraints fought against it. My breathing had become shallow and labored, my thighs almost quivering with the exertion of trying to get away from the constant onslaught of overstimulation.

"Ok, ok. It's alright love." Narcissa spoke softly, quickly untying my wrists and ankles, allowing me to remove the gag and blindfold from my face.

I sat up, trying to catch my breath and moving my arms and legs around to convince myself I was free. I was still panting and Narcissa curled up beside me, wrapping an arm across my shoulders and pulling me into her side.

"Shhh it's alright. You're ok. Let's just take a little break." She cooed, smoothing stray hairs out of my face as I focused on calming my breathing.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, reveling in the comfort she provided.

"Do not apologize. But you should have knocked on the wood when you started to feel overwhelmed. We could have avoided this altogether." She gently chastised me, pressing a kiss to my sweaty forehead.

"I didn't want to ruin the moment. I don't know what even happened. This has never happened before."

"You didn't ruin anything darling. It was just too much at once is all. I'm sorry I didn't catch it sooner. You don't ever have to be afraid of calling it off if you need to y/n. This is only fun if we're both enjoying ourselves. You do not have to suffer for my enjoyment."

I nodded into her chest, cuddling closer to the other woman as her fingers traced little patterns on my arm. We sat there for several minuets, Narcissa reassuring me that it was alright and I had done nothing wrong by being unable to go through with it.

"Do you want to try again or would you rather we cleaned up and maybe just stayed in bed for the rest of the night?" She finally asked me. I hesitated, not really wanting to continue but still feeling bad about not finishing what we had started.

"Um.." I started, trying to figure out what to say to her.

"Alright. That's all I need to hear. Come on, let's go and have a shower and get comfortable in bed yeah?" Narcissa stated, already getting up without waiting on me to answer. I smiled gratefully at the other woman and followed her into the bathroom, finally beginning to feel a little better about the situation and eternally grateful to have a partner like her.

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