54] BO6-32 - Part 4

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The man pushed the gun into my cheeks father in, "Come on. Fork it over already. I'm tired of your faces"

Ray was holding the pen, hesitating as squeezed my eyes closed hoping Ray would have a plan until anger rose in me

My hand moved on its own, roughly hitting his... Male part, "BASTARD DOESN'T KNOW WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF!"

I opened my eyes just to see the pain the other boys felt from that as I fell into Ray's arms, coughing

"Y/n!!" The others rushed to me

"Quick, get out of this room, Everyone!" Gilda yelled as I looked back at him

"... Ack, my neck hurts!! I thought he was going to... Choke me!" I said, holding on my neck. I didn't get to the other room

"You idiot! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING?!" Ray yelled at me

"RIGHT! WHAT IF HE'D PULLLED THE TRIGGER...?!" Gilda said trying to get me to the next room

"But he didn't!" I told them, making everyone confuse "He was bluffing. He doesn't want to kill anyone just chase us out... Am I right?"

A bullet was shot, grazing my cheek

"Y/n!!" the others shrieked

"Like hell I was bluffing" The man said, still grunting and holding on his male part

"Well, see? You just missed again" I said, arching my eyebrows "You don't want us around... But you don't really want to kill, either. That's why you're trying to make us leave"

"Bullcrap! I don't wanna deal with 15 bloody corpses in my home, that's all! I couldn't care less 'bout you stupid brats... Don't think you're worth a Damn. Next one ain't for show! I'm serious! For real this time, get outta here or I'm gonna blow your frigging head off!!" The man yelled

"I refuse" Emma said "We can't afford to leave this place. We can't give up on our pen, either. AND ALSO, MY FAMILY ISN'T DEAD WEIGHT!! WHATEVER YOU THINK OF DEATH AND WEIGHING DOWN... Comrades... Hope... Caring... THOSE ARE IMPORTANT THINGS!! ALL OF THEM... ALL OF THEN ARE IMPORTANT!"

The man's leg started shivering as he gripped his head saying all kinds of bullshit, until he skipped down on the table and was passed out


Emma placed a blanket over the man as the others chattered

"Well then! At any rate, our colleague here is out of the game for now. In the meantime, let's go ahead and gather some information. This shelter was set up by Minerva. But, contrary to what we expected, he's not around to meet us. Therefore we'll search for any leads about him, and about the outside world, too... Starting with the archives" Ray explained

"Right" Emma said, there was a bit of bleeding on my scar a while ago but now it was gone

"AR... Chives?" Rossi questioned

"You heard the guy mention it, right? That this shelter has materials and information about the world. Emma, Y/n and I will try to find the archive room. Don and Nat, you keep guard on that man, please" Ray said

"Got it" Don and Nat said

"Everyone else, look for rooms where we can sleep and rest safely" I told the others


Days/hours to finish: 1 day
Number of words: 562

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