169] Perfect Scores

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Mom managed to get me, She handed me a gun as we trapped the escapees. Emma looked at me with pity as Ray looked determined, everyone else, Nigel, Norman, Gillian, Oliver, Zack, Don and Gilda were surprised.

"Mom... Y/n..."

Mom aimed her gun at Emma, "Was it fun outside, Emma? You've destroyed everything. You fought. And fought. And fought. And fought. But no matter how much you resist, it still ends up this way. Despair is unavoidable. You and everyone else returned. You didn't learn your lesson. And this is the result." Mom's smile widened a bit, "All of you did splendidly. Perfect scores for everyone."

She changed her aim and aimed at Peter Ratri and I did the same with a huge smirk on my face.



"You two betrayed me! Isabella and Y/n!"

Days/hours to finish: 20 minutes
Word count: 157

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