60] Goldy Pond

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"Pick up the pace, will ya?" The man said as we struggled to keep up with him

{He's gone full speed ahead right out the door!!}

"No joke, he's really fast. And he's lugging around that heavy gun, too..." I said

"I guess adults are just on another level" Emma said

"HAHA! Kids suck at this!" The man yelled not loud but enough for us to hear

"He acts like a spoiled kid though!!" Ray yelled pointing at the man

"We gotta clear this area as fast as we can. There's nothing particularly dangerous around... (Though it's not really safe, either.) Beyond the wastelands, there won't be anymore areas that they conveniently avoid. When you can go ahead safely, don't waste time. Just go. I don't wanna loiter around the shelter entrance like a friggin idiot, too. First we'll head straight east and leave the wasteland. The search for Minerva... The journey to AO8-63 really starts once we get there"

Emma took a pen from under her hoodie, she looked really worried

<A bit of a Flashback>

"Look at this map" Ray said and Emma and I stood beside him checking the map

"There's Grace Field (OO-OO). This shelter (BO6-32) is here. Therefore, AO8-63 must be..." Ray said moving his finger to the top-right corner of the map "Around here"

{A lake? "Goldy Pond"? I don't really think this is precise since it's old}

"All those X marks along the way... It's fu if demon settlements, isn't it" Emma said

"AO8-63... Is there anything out there? Will Minerva even be there? I have no idea... And it's pretty clear that leaving the wastelands is very dangerous. The journey to BO6-32 was probably kid's play compared to this" I mumbled

"But there's something waiting for us over there" Emma told me "In BO6-32 we found this shelter. Minerva prepared all this for our sakes... A safe place for cattle children, and all this information. So AO8-63 has to have something for us, too. "Go beyond living here in peace"... That must be a lead about how. To get into the human world. Let's go. It's the only way to be sure. That alone is already worth it, I think" Emma explained

Ray and I smiled on "Right on"

<A bit of a Flashback Ends>

{No matter how dangerous it is... And even if in the end, there's nothing there... I want to go. I want to see it. Well then... We succeeded in dragging along this guy. Now we have to stay smart. Don't lower your guard. Don't let him kill us. No matter how hard he pushes us. Don't let go. Strength, experience, the playing field... The advantage is all his. But victory will be ours. The country is ours. With this man as a guide, Emma, Ray and I will defy all odds... And reach AO8-63 Alive!! We'll get our hands on what's there... And return to them safely! We must do this... FOR THE SAKE OF THE FUTURE OF OUR FAMILY}

"After Gilda's ultimatum, he's sure plotting to kill one us... But not all three" Ray whispered

"Yes... But rather than killing, I think he's planning to let one of us die. I feel like he's someone who can commit murder if needed, but would prefer to avoid it. I feel like, deep down, he's not a bad person. He's in pain... But, living by himself, he's lost all hope of overcoming it" Emma said

I looked over at Ray, pitying how naive Emma was at the same time thinking of how sad it is if that was true

{Our main goal is to reach AO8-64 without dying... But Emma's being a bit naive. Maybe he was once not a bad guy, but right now... I'm not letting him hurt Ray or Emma or the rest of the family. If it comes down to it, I'll get myself ready to kill him... Perhaps along with Ray}

We finally had reached the forest, Emma panted as we stopped running. I was panting, but quietly

"Not a bad pace. Wastelands done. We'll aim got a 4-day trip" The man said "Our goal is AO8-63... Goldy Pond. If you were to fool around and waste time... You could also go through this super long, winding track, which takes 3 weeks but is (comparatively) easier and safer. But I don't wanna. Out of the question. Get some water down yer throats. First comes this forest. It's where the pack of man-eaters nest. They see you, you die. Let's go and clear it before sunset"

Days/hours to finish: 5 hours
Number of words: 791

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