161] Never Be Alone

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We were running, Ayshe's wolves were leading us.

"Boss!!" A voice called.

"Vincent.. You guys...!" Norman gasped, "Why are you here...? You were supposed to return ahead of us..."

"Thank goodness, you're okay...! Sorry, boss. We couldn't... Follow your orders..." Cislo apologized.

"We were worried about you... Sorry." Barbara added.

"You idiots! What if I never came back...?! And you could've at least picked a safer place to--" Norman scolded them.

"Boss... You said that you would he following right behind us.... So we waited for you. Looks like you were able to take down the queen." Vincent said.

"Yeah, she's dead." their lips cruved upwards, smiling with joy.

"Get on! Let's hurry to the hideout!" Vincent said grabbing a horse. Norman was about to hop on when we heard footsteps.

"There they are! Emma! Ray! Y/n!"

"Oliver!?" Emma screamed, surprised.

"It's terrible. Everybody was... The hideout was...!" Oliver was so stressed that he was pausing and couldn't dorm a sentence.

"And after that—"

"We went ahead and tried to let them know what was going on. But we were too late...!" Gillian said.

"EH!?" Hayato hummed.

"They had already been attacked. It was a detached unit it troops. There are plenty of others aside from them. We were able to confirmed that they number about 2000."

"What happened to everybody?"  I asked, grabbing Gillian by her collar from rage.

Nigel put a hand between us, "They were kidnapped by them. Even all of our lookouts... There's no one left."

"Where too?!" Don questioned.

"We nabbed a demon that was trying an ambush back at the hideout and made it talk. Right now, everybody 8s being transported to... The closest high quality farm with trying defenses, so they can be processed as food. To Grace Field House." Gillian said.

So many memories rushed into my head, both the good and the bad. Both the old and the latest.

I let go of Gillian's collar and looked at Norman.

He had his hand on his mouth, "I see... At Grace Field, which is under Iverk's control, it would be easy to hide the escapees under the eyes of the nobles and present them to the queen..."

"So what can we do!? They have 2000 royal troops, right?" Hayato asked.

"That's about half of the punitive expedition..." Vincent added.

"And to go against them we only have just over 10 of us..." Oliver stated.

"What's more, we have wounded... Those three from Lambda, Cislo, Barbara and Zazie, our greatest combat force, are in no condition to fight." I stated.

{It's up to us... To save hundred of our friends taken by demons?}

"What should we do..." Gillian asked.

"Let's go... To Grace Field." Emma announced, "No hesitating. Let's go and save everyone."

"But..." Gilda paused.

"We know that. This is just a conversation on how we're gonna do it." Ray said.

"Do you have some sort of plan?" Vincent asked.

"Nope! But we can think of one on the way there!" Emma said.

"There she goes. That's Emma for you!" I told him with a chuckle.

"But instead of thinking “we can't. What could we possibly do?”, It's way better to think “we can! We'll definitely pull it off.” It'll be all okay." Emma reassured us, she took Ray, I and Norman's hand, "The 4 of us are together again..." She turned to the others, "And you're all here too! Everyone has helped change the world. Us measly kids born inside of a Gaye have gone and changed the world this far. And there's only one more step... We just have to go and take it. The Ratro clan and 2000 royal troops will be a piece of cake? We can do it! We'll be fine! So believe in yourselves and think!"

Norman busted out laughing, scaring his group. "Somehow, Emma's words make me feel like we really can do it."

"They really do..." Gillian said.

"She's been right about everything up until now, so..." Nigel said.

"We have failed before. And there's a lot to regret... But you'll never find anything if you're too afraid to look for it." Ray said.

"Yeah!" Don agreed.

"If we can kill them now, every one will be safe." Vincent said.

"2000 demons... The Ratro clan must want us to challenge them head on." Gilda said with  smirk.

"But it were talking about Grace Field, then we have the entire layout of it from the data that we got from Minerva." I said.

"So, our objective is Grace Field..." Zack paused.

"Will we be breaking in?" Gillian asked excitedly.

"It's decided!" I chirped happily.

We began to plan, and once we all had good feeling of self-confidence.

"Whether we'll be laughing or crying, this is the end... Let's go... Our family is waiting!" Emma remarked.

Days/hours to finish: 1 day
Word count: 814

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