136] Maze

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"Let's play" "Let's play" "Let's play" "Let's play"

"This place again..." I groaned

"How many times has it been.." Ray added as we opened the door to another monitor room

No, Emma, Ray and 7 gave been counting how many. There gave been 32 monitor rooms with arrows. And we've been through a monitor room 154 times in total. It's a maze. We keep appearing in the same place. But all of the rooms are slight diffrent. The rooms we connect back to are random everytime. Even if we follow the same directions under the same conditions, we come out somewhete diffrent. There's no rhyme or reason here. And it's not just this space that is nonsensical. Time is too. Even the laws of physics are-Every last thing about this place is unstable. It's a complete mess.

"Damn it. Just what is this place?" Ray questioned, throwing some books over his shoulder

{All of this chaos... There's no way this world is following quantum mechanics. If that's the case, is this all an illusion? A dream? No, I can differentient between dreams and reality, and this is no dream. Damn it! We're being toyed with!}

"Hey," Emma called, "So the one is able to do somethinh like this. 8 wonder just how he does it in the first place."

"AS IF I'D KNOW!!" Ray yelled around, annoyed that he couldn't figure out this maze.

"However, I realized something." I stated, "The true form of "The Seven Walls"... "First head 10 RI North, then 10 RI east, then 10 RI south and 10 RI west. Then 10 RI to the sky, and 10 RI towards the earth. When the arrows in the sand cease, and the sun set in the east, the earth will cry, and the walls become visible. That is the division between him and us, the seven walls." "If they're all the same distance, won't you just end up back in the same spot?" "The Seven walls.... A place like that doesn't exist."" I paused with a sigh, "It probably isn't something like that... "The division between him and us"... This maze is a place where the one can transcend whatever he pleasez to make a space where we won't be able to pass."

"Space... And time?" Emma asked.

"Yes. If you think back to that mark we saw at the temple we can use it as a hint. It's... A cube and a hourglass. "East, West, North, South, sky, earth"... With those, you can make a cube. And then, "When the arrows in the sand cease" is when time stands still. The second half of the riddle pertains to time. "Front and back, left and right, top and bottom." those six sides of the cube, combined with the factors of "time" make up seven in all. With those, he regulates this world, and creates these "physical walls". Spacetime itself is the physical limit. Or at least we can assume as much. That is the true form of "The Seven Walls"." I explained.

Emma was silent, she then spoke, "But... If that's the case, what about the "Walls will become visible" part? Just what will appear and how? If "The Seven Walls" has its own space-time, then crossing the walls would mean transcending its space-time. To get out of this maze, we need to pass through space time...? HOW DO WE EVEN DO THAT!!?"

"I have no idea "When the arrows in the sand cease, and the sun sets in the east" this is probably telling us that we need to stop in time and go back. But stopping or going back in time isn't something us humans can do. And even if we could, I'm not sure how we would cross the "walls" that appear. I have some guesses about how "the Seven walls" might work. But in not sure what the best way to narrow them down would be..." Ray explained.

I felt the mood of the room change, to tiredness, frustration and confusion. I tried to lift the mood, "That's okay! I mean, atleast you have some guesses. We should stay positive about this, for our siblings."

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