176] Were Home!

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"Emma? Y/n?"

"We're home... Phil!!"

Tears streamed down his face, "Emma... Y/n... EMMA, Y/N!! WELCOME HOME!"

He ran towards us, and Emma dropped her gun as we ran to him to hug him.

"Sorry to make you wait so long." I told him.

"No, not at all! I always believed you would come back for us!"

"Phil!" Gilda exclaimed as she saw him.

"Gilda! Nat! Everyone!!" Phil said happily, "Don!"

"I'm so glad. You look well." Don told him.

"You too. Norman?!" He ran towards him, "You're alive?!"

"Yeah." Norman said, cupping his face in his hands.

"Thank goodness!" Phil remarked.

"Thanks our protecting our siblings." Norman told him.

"Phil." Ray called him as he placed his hand on his hair, "It must have been tough. Sorry. And thanks. Everything's gonna be okay now." Ray hugger him and we huffed for a group hug.

"Hey. Mom, what's..."

I spotted Sherry in the distance, "Sherry!"

"What? No way... Y/n?! And everyone too... Norman!!" She ran over to hug him as we reconnected with our siblings.

"What is this?"

Mom appeared to explain to the mother what had happened. I busy hugging everyone.

{The farms... They're ending. Not just Grace Field but everything else. All the farms. That day... When we found out, the pain of seeing Emma care about all our siblings even when faced with death... It made me disobey Ray's orders, my higher up before. I wanted to help Emma, she just had so much faith that we would make it. Even when Norman left, that hope never left her eyes. I fought for her. Almost died for her. And now... All my deeds are being returned by destroying all the farms. I can't believe it!}

Tears ran down my face as I thought about it more. But, it wasn't from pain, it was from happiness.

"Stop being crybaby, everything's over now." Ray scoffed at me.

"Ray, it's from happiness!" Mom told him as I wiped my tears away as I nodded.

"So we can go now? To... The human world?" Phil asked her.

"Yeah! We can." Emma stated.

{All children from all the farms. Btoh the children and adults. Everyone. Finally! At last!! To the human world!!}

Suddenly a demon appeared out of nowhere, making the children ran.

{I don't have my gun. Someone's boutta get hurt, I'll go get some medkits.}

I ran into my house, knowing Emma can handle it but I'd have to help someone heal up.

Days/hours to finish: 1 day
Word Count: 427

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