Chapter 3

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The palace of destruction. The place where the sinner lives. No one lives there for decades but for the new princess who was relieved that she will not stay at that place—there's still fear inside her heart.

Fear. Because it is abandoned—fear because because it is where the empress has died.

-Chapter 3: Palace of destruction


"What a disgusting place! Seriously Lewis? You let your daughter lives here?!" My lovely aunt said as she looked at my rather ghostly palace—perfect for it's name.

Everything looked old. There are cobwebs and dust everywhere. If someone says that a princess lives here—they will think that person is crazy.

"I know, that's why she will leave this disgusting place and transfer to Raya's palace," everyone's eyes widened when he says that.

I wanted to punch him for saying that—this place is still my home. I lived here and believe it or not I was once happy in this place. With the people who loves me.

"Raya's palace?" The knight said. Of course, we all know what is Raya's palace.

"Yes." The man answered.

Wow. That's so easy. If I know how easy it is—I probably wouldn't face execution.

"But keep this a secret to everyone," he said with a glare. Scary.

"Did you hear that? You will go to a better palace! " my aunt happily said. She can definitely be a good mother—I feel bad for her.

"Much prettier than this?" I asked.

"Yes!" She said.

She is carrying me by the way. This could only mean one thing—because I am adorable, her heart is already mine.

"How about Mau and the others?" I asked.

"They will come with you," the man answered. Should I call him Your Majesty? Father? I'm not use to it.

Raya would be proud.

"For now. Let the child rest in your palace," he ordered my aunt. Of course, she's so happy to hear those words. She even frolicked on the way back to her room.


"I'm sorry. Your father is not a bad person. I want the two of you to get along and love each other like a family," she whispered. I can feel the sadness in her voice.

I am awake but I don't want to open my eyes. I can't sleep of course, everything happened so fast. I need my book right now but I can't take it because of my aunt and all the ruckus.

My favorite book. The book about my past. It doesn't have a title that's why I gave it one. I will change the title based on my mood. I heard my aunt sighed and when I open my eyes she's gone.

Did I really fall asleep?

Unlike my room at the palace of destruction—this is a beauty. The golds are everywhere, gold chair, table and even the bed. The bed sheet is smooth, pillows are soft. Seeing everything—I can't help but to feel pity to myself.

Why I am so pitiful?

"Princess? Are you okay?" A knight asked as he enter the room.

I now remember the knight—a loyal knight to the Emperor. Like I said, he seemed nice, but I don't know yet.

"Where is Mau?" I asked. I don't know what's going to happen to them. I can't trust the man who murders his own child.

"She's with your father," he answered.

I gulped. I wonder why? He's not going to kill her—right? I hope not.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I am here to guard you princess," he answered. I forgot—that's how a princess should live.

"I want to go back to my room."

Because someone might see the book and  they might found something that could lead me to the execution platform—again.

"Soon princess," he said smiling.

I don't have a choice but to lie down and look at the gorgeous ceiling—full of intricate designs.

Raya's palace huh?

[✔] Get my aunt's heart
[✔] Transfer to Raya's palace

I have to remind myself what happened today. I need to write what happened today—my journal needs me.

What's next?

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