Chapter 33

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"Who gave you the right to call me like that? You are truly shameless, is this how you were raised? What a foul attitude you have."

Aunt glared at her and that's when I realized that my Dad and her truly have the same blood running in their veins. They have now the same cold and terrifying expression.This whole place is starting to freeze because of these two.

"As fas as I know. No one invited her. Why is this brat in my party?" She asked. No one wanted to answer. It's not me, definitely not me. I am glad that it's not me, she's pretty scary right now.

"This is not a debutante that everyone are invited. This is my party, and only selective people are allowed to enter here. This is embarassing, I am waiting for a very important guest. I do hope, this won't be a big problem to them."

Those guest she's talking about are the envoy from Aliabina. The surprise guest that might change everything, not just for me but for the whole empire.

"B-But I am your niece!" Genenvieve said. Everyone started whispering, I bet my aunt is enjoying this scene.

"Who told you that? Never believe those people, don't listen to what they are saying. Golden eyes is not the only proof. Show your other proof if you are truly the princess," my aunt is smirking.

"Proof? W-What proof?" Genenvieve stuttered.

"The true princess knew what I am talking about. I am not going to tell you. You should know it," aunt said. Dad is sitting on the throne, watching the commotion happening.

"F-Father help me! They are accusing me of being fake!" She cried. Daddy looked at her, suddenly a lightning almost strike her.

"How disgusting. Never call me father. You are not my daughter. And who ever thinks so, will be punished severly," he said. Genenvieve, obviously started trembling in fear. I mean, who wouldn't?! Daddy almost killed her.
This birthday party turned into something more.

"What about her, what's her proof that she's the real princess. I know that she's fake!" My only proof is, I don't have to convince everyone that I am the real one.

But then, back in the day I am like her too. But it turned out, I am his real daughter. So, how can I explain this turn of events. Karma? Eye for an eye? What happened to me will happen to you?

Hmmm. Anyway, what proof should I show?

"Show me your proof first before I show mine," I smiled at her. Where's Mythos, he's probably enjoying this scene and Raya too. I am sure that he knows that this will happen.

Divine powers and Raya's gift. That the other proof of being the real princess. Being a Goddess descendant, obviously we all have divine powers. It just that, I never think of using it or revealing it to others. Talking to a God is one of its advantage. But if people will know, they might exploit, might as well not use it. In fact, I never use my divine powers. There's only few people who about it in here in my palace, Mythos, the head magician, Raya, Ervis, Dad, my aunt and her husband and my loyal people...I called them the Aliabina seven.

Raya's gift on the other hand was a birthmark. It just a birthmark that every Raya's descendant have. It's not easy to fake, it's not like we're going to undress ourselves in front of many people just to show it. It's also a proof that we can sit on the throne, who ever sits on the throne without a birthmark will immediately. I heard it's because of a curse.

Anyway. I am confident that I am the real one. If something terrible happens and they declare that I am not, I still have a Goddess on my side and I am not going down without a fight.

"See? Maybe you don't have a proof!" She screamed at me.I smiled at her. It's better to look good in front of many people.

"If that girl is the real princess then there's no hope for the Empire. Did you see how she acts?" I heard one of the spectators talking. She's right though, having that kind of personality is a big problem. Good thing, she's a fake.

"You don't have it either," I said in a mocking tone. Are we five, because I feel like we're acting like five year olds.

Like I said, my aunt seemed to like it. This must be her best birthday gift ever. I never knew that my aunt like this kind of thing.

"This is my birthday. Why not let's start the party," my aunt smiled and she glance at the orchestra. They started playing music, some people started to dance. I guess, it's over?
We watched my aunt and her husband dance. They looked good together, such a happy couple.

"Lia,"I heard my Dad called me. Of course, at that point everyone is looking at us then at the girl standing on the corner.

She look furious. I smiled at her, there's no way she would won with her attitude. I felt bad for her but what can I do? She did that to herself. Why not try to be humble or atleast pretend to be one.

After our dance, the girl went to us and smiled at my father. But she acts like I don't exist. That's not going to hurt me, I am used to it. I wish I could tell her that.

"Can we dance father?" The girl asked.

"How dare you call me that? Do you think, I will dance with the likes of you?!" Dad was furious. The whole suddenly shakes that I almost lost balance, good thing Dad was able to grab me.

That's when I realized that it was not his doing. It was them. At last, the Aliabina envoy arrived.

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