Chapter 24

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"Daddy. Let's go outside!"

He looked at me like I said something unpleasant...maybe it is unpleasant in his mind. What's with him? This is not the first time we went outside, in fact, we went quite a few times already.

"What's the point of going outside?"

Nothing. I just got a news that after almost two months and a few tea parties I held. The Marquess and the girl were planning to come here soon. And I want us to have a happy memory together, in case you started hating me.

I wanted to say that but I can't because it would be strange.

"It would be fun Daddy! Let's go tomorrow," I suggested.

He sighed. "If that's what you want then I don't have a choice." I knew he would say that.

Tomorrow came fast and I am currently looking myself in the mirror. I have now a short brown hair and black eyes. It suits me and people won't recognize me easily. I realized that I can go see Pamela the restaurant where I can see the information guild. I am not going to talk to them...I wanted to see it.

"Lia," I heard my Dad speak. I look at him and his expression never change. He really have a cold demeanor, but I heard that's what women loves.

He also have brown hair and a black eyes. In conclusion, we look a lot like each other.

"Are you excited Daddy?" I asked him.

"You're the one who's excited," he answered. Well, he's right. I am excited, who isn't?

"Of course I am! We're going outside again. Just the two of us!" I said.

That's not true because we have a lot of guards tailing us. They are not in uniform, no one would know that they are knights guarding the Emperor and the Princess.

"We should buy a bracelet for the two of us," I suggested while looking at the different stalls. There are few people in the marketplace, this is not one of those busy days, which is a shame. I enjoy these kind of places when there are lota of people.

"If that's what you want," he answered.

"Daddy look at the bracelets. We should wear it now. Do you like the red one?" I said when I finally saw a stall that sells jewelries.

"What an adorable father and daughter you are. Young lady, you have a keen eye. This red bracelet just arrive yesterday and there's onlu two of them here. Perfect for the two of you!" The vendor happily said. I doubt that but who knows it could really meant for us.

"Did you hear that Daddy? It's meant for us. We should wear it now," I said.

Since Dad couldn't say no in front of me, he bought it and wear it. I told him not to remove the bracelet or else I would be sad. He just nodded, it meant yes...right?

Just like my plan we ate at Pamela. The foods are good and the employees are nice. Is it really a information guild? What a great disguise, no one would ever imagine it. I am not doubting Anais and the others but seeing it myself felt weird.

"Are you okay?"asked Dad.

"Yes Dad. The food here are amazing, maybe we should buy the others too," I said happily.

"Just do anything you want," he said smiling.

"Thank you, Daddy!" I hugged him tight. I might not be able to do that starting....well, when the fake comes. Of course, I am confident that I am favored by Dad but I just need to make sure.

"You're my daughter," he mumbled. I heard him, it felt weird whenever he says that. Sometimes, I wonder if he can read my mind or did he knew something about the past but then why he didn't save my mother or why did he let me live in the palace of destruction for 4 years?

Maybe I am thinking too much? Anyway, I will be back in this a client.

"It's time to go home Dad," I said.

He nodded.

I wonder what will happen to me now?


"What do you mean the Emperor is not here?!" The Marquess said. She felt insulted by the knight in front of her. To her, the knight is stopping her in seeing the Emperor. In her mind, no one can stop her.

"The Emperor is not here Marquess. Besides, you didn't inform the Emperor about coming here," the knight said while glancing at the young girl on the Marquess side.

"I have an important news to say," the Maruqess declared.

The knight looked at her. She hated his guts. She wanted to tell the Emperor about his daughter, if the Emperor saw the girl now, maybe his mind would change. After all, she is not sure if the introduced princess is the real one. Did she even grew up in the palace? She's not even sure. One thing that she is sure is that the Emperor would be delighted if he saw her ward.

Genenvieve is gripping her dress, she is nervous to the point that her body wouldn't stop trembling. She's been wondering where did the Emperor go. Is he busy? She thought that the Emperor would surely come see his real daughter, even if he's busy...he's going to give her at least a little time.

"Like I said, you can come back tomorrow. The Emperor is not here," the knight said.

"You can get punish by your insolence!" The Marquess threatend the knight.

"What's with the noise?"

Everyone lookes at the Emperor as he walked towards them. He looked pissed, he gave the Marquess and the young girl a cold stare.

"Y-Your M-Majesty." The Marquess curtsy as the Emperor look at her from head to toe.

"How dare you threaten my knight." He glared at her.

"He just—."

"Enough! I don't need your execuses. You barge in at the palace and you dare threaten a loyal knight of the imperial family. What a disgrace, you have such a rotten personality." The Marquess couldn't move, she's having a hard time finding her reasoning and she can't help but to glance at the young girl beside him. She's looking at her with confusion.

"Your Majesty. I came here for an urgent matter. I need to tell you something," she said in a rush. The introduced princess s in front of them. It's time for her to introduce her ward.

She looked at Genenveive and she knew that is the cue for the to remove her bracelet to show her true eye color. No one seemed shocked at the sight, everyone looked at them with a cold expression. She didn't expect that from the Emperor.

"As you can see, she have a golden eyes. She must be your real daughter!" She said with conviction.

"What are you implying?" Those words echoes in her ears. The Emperor is mad and she knew she might end up in the dungeons because of it.

"Nothing, Your Majesty. I just want you to know about her existence."

"Why would I care about her existence?" He asked.

"She's your daughter Your Majesty." The Marquess said, her hands wouldn't stop trembling.

"Who said so? You did? Who are you to declare anyone as my daughter?" The Emperor raised his eyebrows. He felt disgusted when he heard those words but he's more worried about his daughter.

He knew that she always had nightmares about these scenarios and now it is happening. He didn't want her to get hurt.

"You should go home," he ordered. He's going to walk away but the princess held his arms before he could even move.

"But Daddy it's already dark outside. Why not let them stay at the palace for the night?" The princess suggested. He looked at her, he gave her a warm smile and patted her head.

"Let them stay at the Kioran palace," he ordered.

Genenvieve smiled hearing those words, she knew that her father would have no choice but to take her. But the Marquess isn't she knew what that palace is and she hated it but she couldn't complaim. Going to the palace without a permission is already a gamble.

One wrong move and she will lose her head.

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