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Dean's wife Shaila had me sitting on a crate checking the gash in my forehead, "Wouldn't it be best to do this inside?" I asked as inside would be more clean.

"Usually yes, but since you guys have been on the ship you've been inside, figured you could use a little sun for now."

I nodded my head.

"This wound never closed, how did you get it to stop bleeding?" She asked looking at my gash in wonder "Uh, Seth ripped his shirt in half and I kept it tied to my head until Josh said it was ok to leave it alone."

"And there is no sign of infection." Shaila mused "Josh had some serious medication and ointments that kept away infection." I told her.

"Unfortunately for you the skin hasn't closed so the wound is exposed so when you get back home you'll need stitches." I grimaced at her words.

Kirin saw my facial expression and immediately pushed the man looking him over for wounds and rushed to me "You made a face? You ok?" "Yeah, just need stitches for when we get back." I motioned to my gash.

"Can't they glue it back together?" Kirin asked Shaila shook her head "Because of how jagged the wound is sutures maybe best." "SUTURES? How did we go from stitches to sutures ??"

I sighed at Kirin "Babe, a suture and stitches are the same thing just a technical term for it." Shaila laughed then turned to Kirin "Don't worry she will be ok." "Do you have any other injuries?" Shaila asked me sweetly.

I hesitated to answer, as I'm terrified of hospitals, doctors, dentists, etc. Kirin eyed me weirdly and I shook my head a little so only he could see. He sighed. And Shaila looked around confused.

"Seth sprained her wrist and she was bit by a snake." Kirin blurted my eyes bulged out of my head "I'm sorry, but they have to know." Kirin said sadly looking at me "Where is the snake bite?" Shaila shouted alarmed I looked to Kirin who nodded his head.

I sighed and rolled up my jeans to show her where the snake had bit me, Shaila bent down and un did the makeshift bandaging that Josh and Henry put on me. I winced as the bandage peeled away from the old wound.

I'm assuming because of the dried blood.

"Did I hurt you?" Shaila immediately stops, "No, No. just the bandage was stuck."

Shaila nods and goes back to removing the bandage. "Well, it isn't infected. But it is still very swollen and hot to the touch, does it itch?"

Kirin looked at me and I shook my head no "It never had itched, should it?" I asked worried

"Oh no, it's just usually when it's hot and swollen and I see some discoloration itching usually company's it." "Is her bite not itching a good or bad sign?" Kirin wonders with worry written on his face and heard in his voice.

"From my experience.....everyone is different, this could mean there is still some poison in her blood stream or it's her body reacting to the stress the snakes venom put her through. There is no way to tell which one it is until she is at the hospital, how have you been feeling lately?" Shaila turns her attention to me.

My brows draw closer in confusion and thought, "Fine, considering....I'm thirsty and hungry, tired. But I havnt felt sick lately."

Kirin flicked his attention from me to shaila who smiled and nodded "All good signs, I'm not a professional, but...sounds like to me your body is trying to get over what has happened."

I smile relieved as Kirin cheers "Easy Kirin Casanova, still have to see about her wrist." Shaila stands from her squatting position "It's O'Connor, Kirin O'Connor." Kirin corrects Shaila who looks all but confused.

I snort and start to giggle "What? My last name is not Casanova." Kirin exaggerates making me laugh Shaila laughs too realizing what is up.

"Casanova is a saying, she knows your last name isn't actually cassanova." I explain and Kirin rolls his eyes "Obviously she knows it's not my last name, I just told her it wasn't."

I look down and shake my head slowly "Good grief." I mutter.


It was now sunset all of us gathered together in the bottom of the ship where the sleeping quarters are, and by all of us I meant my family not the ship crew.

Shaila had made us all a family recipe it was some sort of stew and when Scotty asked her how a secret family recipe for stew was so special she told him she was half Latina and this stew had some ingredients that you normally wouldn't put in a stew.

"I have a question." I announced clinking my silverware to my ice cold water glass.

"Let's here it." Raf smiles "What was your first impression of everyone, and what do you think of them now?" I ask with a suggested eyebrow raise.

"I'll go first!" Scotty claps "Wait? Do I have to say something about Bobo?"

"Obviously not." Kirin groans and places his head on my shoulder roughly.

"Wait, we should do this in alphabetical order. So like Scotty says his first impression of Emma and what he thinks now and so on." Josh says eyeing us all and when no one says or reacts he speaks up again.

"Do you understand what I'm saying." Josh gets a bunch of various yeahs and nods pleased before grabbing about scoop of stew.

"Emma." Scotty says and looks at me "My first impression of you was what the fuck is a girl doing here? Then shit got real and it didn't matter, I thought If Bo and I needed to befriend someone first it would be you. To look out for each other make sure you're ok because you're the only girl with a bunch of horny teenage boys. Now though, I've learned that you're funny, smart, nice, caring, you put everyone before yourself, but that you don't need me or Bo or anyone to protect you from the others because one you have Kirin and two you got it yourself and that's badass!"

I put my hand over where my heart is and smiled sweetly at him, "Aww Scotty! That's so nice." I say and blow him a kiss obviously a platonic one. Scotty catches it dramatically and rubs it into his heart.

"Ok, first impression of Henry, He was very quiet and I thought I should watch out of him because quiet people aren't always the best." Scotty explains.

We all nod understanding what he means "Now though, He is quiet still. But he isn't outspoken, and when he is comfortable with you he is super funny and cool. A brotha for life." Scotty says and Henry and Scotty high five.

"Wakanda!" Scotty shouts "Oh god, this'll be good." Ivan groans.


A/N- IM BACK !! Sorry this chapter isn't the longest but I figured it was better then nothing!

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