Oscar is likes boys????

114 4 0

SirFrancis: Jack
Nerd: Davey
vroomvroom: Race
WalkingStick: Crutchie
*insertmemeshere*: Finch
ThePickleMan: Henry
speck: Spot
pins: Buttons
Glasses: Specs
flirter: Romeo
Sin/CinnamonRoll: Elmer
CarrotTopIsOffensive: Albert
BartholomewIII: Bart
#2: Mike
Icheal: Ike
jonoyoudont: JoJo
TiroCalliente: Hotshot
Gush: Mush
PirateCosplayer: Blink
TheYGuy'sGuy: Myron
TheYGuy: York
karofskylol: Oscar


Sin/CinnamonRoll: yall

PirateCosplayer: wat

Sin/CinnamonRoll: did you read the chat last night

Gush: no we were watching a movie

PirateCosplayer: that's code for making out

Gush: 🤦🏽‍♂️

Sin/CinnamonRoll: someone was added to the chat

speck: so?

CarrotTopIsOffensive: okay?

Sin/CinnamonRoll: you'll never guess who it was

TheYGuy'sGuy: jesus? Bc I had a feeling he was aroace

TheYGuy: hehe

BartholomewIII: it was someone named Oscar Delancey
BartholomewIII: didn't seem like a big deal

CarrotTopIsOffensive: HUH?!?!

PirateCosplayer: NANI?!?!

Sin/CinnamonRoll: you ruined my reveal😀🔪

speck: you'd never hurt a fly


OscarDelancey: and getting all of your messages

CarrotTopIsOffensive: OH MY GOD


Glasses: I will be whistling from the corner now

Icheal: will y'all shut up and let me sleep Damn
Icheal: holy carp it's Oscar

OscarDealncey: uh yeah
OscarDealncey: sorry

Gush: never thought this day would come

OscarDelancey: if you kill me, make it slow

*insertmemeshere*: what a funny guy

ThePickleMan: why is he here?

pins: why is his user so boring

vroomvroom: gasp your right

*vroomvroom changed Oscar Delancey to karofskylol*

speck: not the glee reference💀

Glasses: 😭😭

karofskylol: I'm upset with it but my therapist told me to except the inevitable
karovskylol: and I doubt you'll be changing this

vroomvroom: :3

karofskylol: who even is karovsky and what is glee

SirFrancis: he was this bully that bullied the only out kid at his school and then kissed him and glee is a show that was on fox about a glee club
SirFrancis: it gets increasingly worse

karofskylol: well to that karofsky kid, that's hella gay

speck: right?

karofskylol: I don't understand why your name is speck

vroomvroom: he's short

speck: my name is spot and I'm 5'4

karofskylol: oh

vroomvroom: I'm 5'7😎

SirFrancis: I beat you I'm 5'9

Nerd: You all can't compete with me because I'm 6'1.

SirFrancis: yeah whatever🙄

vroomvroom: you don't have to make it your personality

speck: okay?

Glasses: I'm 6'3

speck: ...

vroomvroom: ...

SirFrancis: ...

Nerd: ...

WalkingStick: anyway
WalkingStick: Oscar wanna go to Oklahoma

karofskylol: where?

WalkingStick: the other side of the nation

karofskylol: never heard of it

Icheal: it's above jacks home country

SirFrancis: y'all need to quit

#2: look it's his mother language🥹

SirFrancis: 🖕🏼

ThePickleMan: are you actually gonna let him go with us

pins: I think it would be nice
pins: like turning over a new leaf

jonoyoudont: even I have to admit Oscar seems like a chill dude now
jonoyoudont: he even says gender neutral (I typed neutral wrong and got 'gender is trap' lolol) terms for dude

Glasses: DUDEMS

flirter: he seems cool, I gotta say
flirter: he's just a very curious boy

karofskylol: very curious
karofskylol: If it helps im really sorry for the way I treated you all during high school. It wasn't cool at all. I was going through something with myself and at home but that doesn't excuse any of my actions.
karofskylol: I hope you guys can one day forgive me

TiroCalliente: that was a heckin good apology

Icheal: 👆🏽

ThePickleMan: im not 100 percent sold on this idea but I don't really have a say in it

WalkingStick: you do hon go ahead

ThePickleMan: he can come
ThePickleMan: as long as he refrains from trying to kill us

karofskylol: I promise

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