The Teenage Dirtbags

77 3 22

SirFrancis: Jack
Nerd: Davey
vroomvroom: Race
WalkingStick: Crutchie
*insertmemeshere*: Finch
ThePickleMan: Henry
speck: Spot
pins: Buttons
Glasses: Specs
flirter: Romeo
Sin/CinnamonRoll: Elmer
CarrotTopIsOffensive: Albert
BartholomewIII: Bart
#2: Mike
Icheal: Ike
jonoyoudont: JoJo
TiroCalliente: Hotshot
Gush: Mush
PirateCosplayer: Blink
TheYGuy'sGuy: Myron
TheYGuy: York
karofskylol: Oscar
JudyMoody: Skittery
Ocean: Waves
flash: Morris


Nerd: Jack was a teenage dirtbag, right?

SirFrancis: no

speck: yeah we all were
speck: except for you and specs and mush and blink
speck: blink actually played sports

PirateCosplayer: yeah but who actually got a scholarship to college😐

speck: yeah but who actually gives a shit😐

Gush: anyway yeah Jack was a teenage dirtbag

SirFrancis: yeah but I got good grades and stuff

*insertmemeshere*: as someone who's still in that portion of life, that doesn't matter
*insertmemeshere*: you were a fucking nuisance

SirFrancis: nuh uh

WalkingStick: remember the broken water fountain?

vroomvroom: and the time Weasel broke his foot?

flirter: or that time weasel woke up with make up on?

SirFrancis: to be fair, Katherine helped me with that

Nerd: How about the time you started smoking in class? Just opened the window and everything.

SirFrancis: wah- we didn't even go to the same school when that happened

vroomvroom: there was also that time you broke Ro's skateboard because you purposely crashed into the wall of a bodega

WalkingStick: Ooh or when he made out with that statue

Glasses: Jack, you're extra room is a rage room for you. We hear you laughing all the time.

vroomvroom: I think that has more to do with his psyche

Nerd: You made out with a statue?

SirFrancis: ...
SirFrancis: No?

Nerd: Don't lie to me.

SirFrancis: ...I didn't NOT make out with a statue...

Nerd: Sigh.

PirateCosplayer: by that definition Race is a teenage dirtbag too

vroomvroom: well duh
vroomvroom: you don't learn natural speed for nothing
vroomvroom: the cops are still looking for someone named "Wendy Nuzfitinurmuth"

Nerd: What?

speck: "When deez nuts fit in your mouth"
speck: he thinks it's hilarious

vroomvroom: it's hilarious

flash: don't quit you day job, man

karofskylol: lol
karofskylol: y'all were rowdy as hell in school tho
karofskylol: like just sit down

Glasses: says the most stereotypical bully in history but okay...

SirFrancis: Spot went through a grunge phase

speck: yeah no shit


Private Message—Mr. Montana, Oscar

Mr. Montana: Ozzy
Mr. Montana: I made a picrew

Oscar: a what?

Mr. Montana: It's like this website that lets you make a cartoon version of yourself
Mr. Montana: Wanna see it later?

Oscar: I'd love to

Mr.Montana: remind me to show it to you

Oscar: I'll make one too
Oscar: I like copying you

Mr. Montana: awwww youre adorable

Oscar: not as adorable as you are

Mr. Montana: oh honey. I may be handsome, but no one in the world amounts to how cute you are

Oscar: oh, baby, please. You put kittens to shame

Mr. Montana: it is pretty hard to beat kittens...

Oscar: mhmmm

Mr. Montana: fine, you win. But I've got you next time

Oscar: 😂sure you do bug, sure you do

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