Davey's Tattoo

99 4 32

SirFrancis: Jack
Nerd: Davey
vroomvroom: Race
WalkingStick: Crutchie
*insertmemeshere*: Finch
ThePickleMan: Henry
speck: Spot
pins: Buttons
Glasses: Specs
flirter: Romeo
Sin/CinnamonRoll: Elmer
CarrotTopIsOffensive: Albert
BartholomewIII: Bart
#2: Mike
Icheal: Ike
jonoyoudont: JoJo
TiroCalliente: Hotshot
Gush: Mush
PirateCosplayer: Blink
TheYGuy'sGuy: Myron
TheYGuy: York
karofskylol: Oscar
JudyMoody: Skittery
Ocean: Waves


SirFrancis: Davey got a tattoo and it's so hot

speck: oh my god.

*insertmemeshere*: that's what's up

Glasses: period Davey

Nerd: 😎

CarrotTopIsOffensive: wow look at you actually being fun


pins: wow what was it of

Nerd: Well, I actually got two.

SirFrancis: TWO?!
SirFrancis: after work, no one is to disturb us, okay? Okay.

flirter: 😐

Nerd: Well, one is a car without wheels in dedication to Billy Joel.
Nerd: The other is of Jack's name.

SirFrancis: omg I only saw the car one
SirFrancis: I just- WHY ARE YOU SO HOT

*insertmemeshere*: twinningggg
*insertmemeshere*: where'd you put 'em

Nerd: Jack's name is on my chest while the car is on my bicep.

SirFrancis: he has really nice biceps btw

speck: save it for later

vroomvroom: awww spot can I get a tattoo

CarrotTopIsOffensive: wait Race we can go together

vroomvroom: omg they'll be in Italian

PirateCosplayer: wait I'm coming too

vroomvroom: Quindi ci stiamo tutti facendo tatuaggi insieme. D'accordo?

CarrotTopIsOffensive: Concordato

PirateCosplayer: got it

Glasses: you guys are asking all the wrong questions

flirter: yea like 1) when did Jack and Davey get a place together and 2) how did Jack see the car tattoo Before the name one

Nerd: Oh, I sent him a picture.

Glasses: oh god

flirter: did you flex?

Nerd: Not that there's much there, but I did, yes. Why?

Glasses: ohhh you done effed up💀

flirter: be prepared to have the best night of your life

Nerd: Excuse me?

PirateCosplayer: that's one of his turn ons

SirFrancis: IT IS NOT

*insertmemeshere*: dude, you nearly pounced on me when I got my ts scar tattoo
*insertmemeshere*: absolutely feral

ThePickleMan: You what?

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