Just A Little Something for the Heart

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sherlockian_demigod NEED you to read this

Small written part at the end. Also, mentions of knives. There's context, don't worry

After writing this, I realized Jack and Davey's part is kind of how me and my crush interact lol

Track: Race
Jackson: Jack
Crutch: Crutchie
Mama: Medda


Private Chat—Davey, Jack

Jack: daveeee

Davey: Princessssssss.
Davey: Do you need something?

Jack: I just wanted to talk to you

Davey: Well, I'm here. What do you want to talk about?

Jack: are you on break?

Davey: No, we're watching a movie.

Jack: what movie

Davey: The odyssey

Jack: oh Odysseus and Athena were total hotties in that
Jack: and Hermes, I guess, but his eyebrows threw me off. He seems more like Spot's type, anyway

Davey: 😂Only you would say something like that.

Jack: well, it's true! They were, and Spot has a thing for sassy twinks

Davey: Do you only watch movies based on the attractiveness of the characters?

Jack: yeah how do you think I got through the prince of Egypt?
Jack: no but actually it's a good movie and the characters' personalities are perfectly established compared to the book
Jack: plus, Bernadette Peters? Slayed

Davey: She did do a very good job, but I was more focused on the fact that she was in the movie. It honestly shocked me.

Jack: me too
Jack: 😭✋🏼Halloween costumes I call Circe

Davey: Great because I refuse to wear a dress.
Davey: Plus, I'd like to see you in a corset.

Jack: is that right?

Davey: It is.

Jack: Hm. I'll consider it.

Davey: Good.
Davey: Have you eaten anything?

Jack: I'm supposed to go to the theater today to paint a set for Medda

Davey: That sounds great, but did you eat anything?

Jack: I mean I had egg's this morning

Davey: Jackie, eat something. It's 1:35 in the afternoon.

Jack: nooooo

Davey: At least a sandwich, or French fries from the theater's café.

Jack: okay but what if I'm not hungry

Davey: You haven't eaten anything in four hours, hopefully a little less than that.
Davey: You need to eat, even if you're not hungry.

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