The Ace/Aro Club

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Everyone's names are here so there's no need for a chat name list.


*Romeo added Morris to "Double AA"*

Romeo: welcome!

Morris: uh thanks

Graves: who are you?

Romeo: this is Morris he's in the main chat

Graves: sorry I didn't know who you are I've been busy😅

Morris: no worries

Spot: oh you added him
Spot: good to see you dude

Morris: we're typing

Spot: right
Spot: anyway we're here to help you

Morris: with the a thing right?
Morris: also what's that kid doing here?

Graves: I'm aro/ace lol

Morris: oh. That's cool

Romeo: yeah we figured you could get three different point of views
Romeo: it's always better to have options s

Morris: right
Morris: why are you doing this?

Spot: I may be an asshole at times but I like helping people
Spot: especially if they don't end up like me in highschool

Graves: yeah Ro and Spot helped to recognize my feelings so I feel better with who I am now:p

Morris: cool

Romeo: so tell us about how you feel Morris

Morris: right
Morris: I'll start with...that first
Morris: I'm not really into it? At least from my point of view. Like I don't want it I don't like it

Romeo: okay
Romeo: wdym by your point of view

Morris: like if my girlfriend wanted to I'd probably say no? Like i just don't need it

Romeo: okay thanks for telling me
Romeo: have you ever thought about it?

Morris: no but I have tried to watch those kinds of movies and I just get sad bc these are living breathing people and what if they were forced into this and really uncomfortable and it's terrible

Romeo: hmmm

Graves: we don't want to label you

Spot: repulsed?

Graves: yeah maybe

Morris: wait give me a sec
Morris: as in I don't like sex at all?

Graves: it's not as simple as that
Graves: wait it might be

Romeo: placio?

Morris: yeah I saw that one too
Morris: it's when I don't feel that way but wouldn't mind doing it for someone else right?

Spot: a bit of an oversimplification but yeah basically

Romeo: what did you think when you saw it?

Morris: relieved ig

Graves: why?

Morris: because it was like knowing there was something out there yk
Morris: like knowing you're not alone

Spot: that's sweet Mo

Morris: Mo?

Spot: yep

Romeo: it's good you feel that way
Romeo: do you think it's a good label? At least for now?

Morris: i think I'll just go by ace


Spot: so do you want to talk about romantic feelings?

Morris: sure

Spot: describe them

Morris: I'm not really into it. Like I see other people in love and holding hands and bragging about their relationships and I just don't see the big deal

Graves: would you ever want to be in a relationship?

Morris: not really. I don't want to be in one, and I can't see anyone like that. Is that bad?

Romeo: no! For a lot of people it's right and it just means that you don't reciprocate the same feelings that me and Spot do

Morris: wait I thought Spot was aromantic

Spot: Im placioromantic and I enjoy being in a relationship with my boyfriends

Morris: boyfriends?

Spot: race, Elmer, and Albert

Morris: oh you guys are together
Morris: I forgot sorry

Graves: yeah and he doesn't stop talking about it


Morris: so what do my feelings mean?

Romeo: well you said you're okay with seeing yourself as ace, but I think you should think more on your romantic attraction

Morris: what if I end up feeling romantic attraction?

Spot: that's okay

Graves: yeah you still might be on the aroace spectrum, and if you're not, no one can take that away from you

Morris: thanks you guys

Romeo: of course

Spot: anytime

Graves: You're welcome!

Morris smiled at his phone, turning to look at his brother. Oscar was focused on the TV, eating the popcorn he'd made earlier.

What would he think? It's obvious he won't understand what Morris is feeling, but how would he react? Would he care or not care at all? Which one is worse?

Morris sighed, biting his lip nervously as he looked at his little brother. "Hey, O?"

Oscar hummed, stuffing his face full of popcorn. "What?"

"I have something to tell you." Oscar's eyes widened, grabbing the remote and pausing his show. He placed the bowl of popcorn down and looked into his brother's eyes. "Okay."

"What is it?" Morris avoided eye contact, his heart pounding in his chest and his mouth going dry.

He wasn't sure he could do this. He knew he wanted to, for him and Oscar have a no secrets policy, but that didn't make it any less terrifying. In the end, he took a deep breath and sighed.

"I'm...I'm asexual?"

Oscar nodded, waiting for his brother to finish. "Spot and Romeo helped me figure it out."

Oscar sat and listened. "I think I always have been, as you know. I just...I didn't think there was a label out there for me, and I didn't think I'd be apart of...apart of the LGBT community, but-"

Oscar reached over and hugged his brother, stopping him right in his tracks. Morris hugged him back. "I get it, Mo. I love you."

Morris felt tears fill into his eyes, the hug he received getting much tighter. "I love you, too."

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