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"Are you sure I have to go?" Oscar rolled his eyes, a fond but sad smile on his face. "I'll stay."

"As much as I would love to have more of you to myself", Oscar sighed, pulling Mickey into a large hug, his arms going around his backpack, "you have to go home. You've been away from your family for too long."

Mickey sniffled quietly, not one to cry. He didn't want to leave. Montana was boring and unfulfilling, and he loved his family, but this thing with Oscar was new and exciting. They were everything the other could ask for.

Plus, he's really starting to like him, more than he did before. "Look, I could even stay an extra hour-"

"No", Oscar interrupted, staring at Mickey pointedly. "No, you're not doing that."


"Because your family needs you", Oscar chuckled without emotion, but that same sad smile lay on his face. He released Mickey from the hug, making eye contact with him. "You have whatever it is you do in Montana, and you have to see them. Then you're going to tell me all about it until I meet you there one day."

Honestly, Oscar didn't want him to go. In a measly three weeks, he'd grown attached to someone he'd met while on vacation, someone he'd hadn't seen for months after that. Now, he felt like a little kid who's favorite blanket in the world was being ripped from his hands. But he had to keep it together.

Mickey chuckled, pulling the younger into another hug. "Fuck, I'm gonna cry."

Oscar chuckled and squeezed him tighter as he ignored the burn behind his eyes. "Yeah."

Mickey pulled away, glancing at the time on his phone. He was supposed to begin boarding in an hour, and with so many people being at the airport, he wasn't sure he'd make it on time. "I have to go, Ozzy."

Oscar nodded, clearing his throat and looking away from the older's eyes. "Yeah. Yeah, I know."

Mickey placed two fingers under Oscar's chin, moving his head up and pulling him into a kiss, one that wasn't unfamiliar, but definitely felt different. The kiss felt like their first, when Oscar impulsively pulled Mickey to his lips as they watched Avengers on his small TV in his room. But this was the last one for a while.

This was goodbye.

"Thank you for everything", Mickey mumbled, moving away from Oscar slowly. "I'll see you soon, okay? It's your turn to visit me."

Oscar chuckled and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he watched Mickey walk away.

"Bye, Mick."


Private Chat—Roller, Oscar

Oscar: roller

Roller: wassup babe

Oscar: I don't know

Roller: are you okay? I know today was Mickey's last day

Oscar: I think? I don't know I'm not like crying or anything
Oscar: everything just feels weird, yk? Like feeling a ghost

Roller: I'm sorry Osc:( but stop acting like he's dead alright? He's only halfway across the country

Oscar: 😂
Oscar: yeah that's fair. Sorry.

Roller: it's okay
Roller: do you wanna go to Softies and beg the old man for ice cream

Oscar: yeah:) thank you

Roller: of course man you're my best friend
Roller: we gotta start hanging out more tho

Oscar: ugh I know! I feel like I've been ignoring you
Oscar: that wasn't my attention boo❤️

Roller: my jelly jar🤭

Oscar: my little pancake mix😩

Roller: my little tres leches cake😘

Oscar: 💀
Oscar: I'll see you at the shop HAHAHAHAHA

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