The Crisis

53 4 0

SirFrancis: Jack
Nerd: Davey
vroomvroom: Race
WalkingStick: Crutchie
*insertmemeshere*: Finch
ThePickleMan: Henry
speck: Spot
pins: Buttons
Glasses: Specs
flirter: Romeo
Sin/CinnamonRoll: Elmer
CarrotTopIsOffensive: Albert
BartholomewIII: Bart
#2: Mike
Icheal: Ike
jonoyoudont: JoJo
TiroCalliente: Hotshot
Gush: Mush
PirateCosplayer: Blink
TheYGuy'sGuy: Myron
TheYGuy: York
karofskylol: Oscar
JudyMoody: Skittery
Ocean: Waves
flash: Morris

Mags: Jack

JacksonvilleTN: Hey bestie

Mags: so I just met my dad

JacksonvilleTN: 😀perdón

Mags: I took a DNA test a while ago bc I wanted to know if my dad had any significance before he died but uh
Mags: he's not dead

JacksonvilleTN: holy shit

Mags: I don't know what to do
Mags: I mean he's alive I just found out my mom has been lying to me all these years
Mags: oh my god

JacksonvilleTN: I'm so confused
JacksonvilleTN: howd you meet him

Mags: I found him on IG and asked if he had a kid around the time I was born he said yeah her name was Margaret but we called her Maggie and I was like I'm Maggie and he was like oh we should meet up and I didn't respond

JacksonvilleTN: oh my god oh my god oh my god

Mags: ugh what do I do

JacksonvilleTN: well first off are you okay?

Mags: a little stressed and overwhelmed but what's new

JacksonvilleTN: okay did you tell you're mom?

Mags: no
Mags: I wanted it to be a secret

JacksonvilleTN: Mags

Mags: no she made the decision to lie and tell me he died instead of he just saying he didn't want to be in my life so I'm good

JacksonvilleTN: you have to tell her at some point

Mags: I will just not right now because I'm fucking pissed

JacksonvilleTN: wanna stay at my place? You can take the bed and I'll take the pull out couch

Mags: please? And I'm fine with the pullout I don't want to smell like man

JacksonvilleTN: that's what she said


Private Message— Jack, Davey

Jack: hello my love

Davey: Hi, Jackie. Is everything okay? You're usually working at this time.

Jack: yeah I'm good but Mags may need to stay with us for a few days

Davey: Why? Is something wrong?

Jack: yeah but it's not my place to tell
Jack: she just found out some really overwhelming stuff and needs a break

Davey: That's completely fine. I'll be home soon, okay? I'll buy dinner.

Jack: love you❤️

Davey: I love you, too.

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