Favorite Things

54 3 7

SirFrancis: Jack
Nerd: Davey
vroomvroom: Race
WalkingStick: Crutchie
*insertmemeshere*: Finch
ThePickleMan: Henry
speck: Spot
pins: Buttons
Glasses: Specs
flirter: Romeo
Sin/CinnamonRoll: Elmer
CarrotTopIsOffensive: Albert
BartholomewIII: Bart
#2: Mike
Icheal: Ike
jonoyoudont: JoJo
TiroCalliente: Hotshot
Gush: Mush
PirateCosplayer: Blink
TheYGuy'sGuy: Myron
TheYGuy: York
karofskylol: Oscar
JudyMoody: Skittery
Ocean: Waves
flash: Morris
Mr.Montana: Mickey


Group Chat—Simp Squad (working title)

RoRoRoYourBoat: guys the thing I love about specs in the way they're so eager to try my family's food
RoRoRoYourBoat: like they always are the first person at the dinner table during holidays (when it's my turn) and always ask "did you bring anything back?" when I go to my mom's house lol

RaRaRaAhAhAh: awwww that's so cute. Did you bring them anything back?

RoRoRoYourBoat: hell yeah I have sopas for days

DaveysBtch: yeah specs has always been like that
DaveysBtch: they always wanna try new stuff that's why they're a good influencer
DaveysBtch: yk my favorite thing about Davey tho?

RoRoRoYourBoat: his hands?

elliespnelli: his smile?

RaRaRaAhAhAh: his face?

Ikesicle: the fact that he knows exactly where to kiss you, which you've explained in great detail on multiple occasions?

DaveysBtch: damn I should really stop talking to you guys so much...but no
DaveysBtch: it's his eyes

RoRoRoYourBoat: really?

DaveysBtch: yeah! His eyes are everything. Everything is in his eyes.
DaveysBtch: I know when he's mad, sad, happy, disappointed, and loved. I know he loves me bc I look into his eyes
DaveysBtch: I just really love his eyes, yk?

elliespinelli: that's so cute😭stop I'm gonna cryyyy

RaRaRaAhAhAh: SOB.

Ikesicle: 😭😭✋🏼YOU. GUYS. ARE. ADORABLE.
Ikesicle: and your boyfriend is HOT


Ikesicle: yk there are things I like about shot too. Like he's really sweet to me, makes me feel safe
Ikesicle: like I know I can count on him to protect and take care of me, and I know I would take care of and protect him too. Problem is only one of us gets bullied more than the other, so that gives him an advantage:/
Ikesicle: buts he's easily the sweetest person I know

DaveysBtch: awwwww that's so cuteeeee

RoRoRoYourBoat: I literally love that for you😭

elliespinelli: I love my boyfriends. Like, all of them. It's never a boring day
elliespinelli: I love race bc of his huge personality but ability to know when things are off. He's kind and intuitive
elliespinelli: I love spot bc he's always so sweet to me and he's so honest and proud
elliespinelli: and I love Albert bc he's my first love. He's the one that brought all three of us together and I'm thankful for that

RaRaRaAhAhAh: I love you too Elgel:) you're my best friend

babyfood: what are you guys talking about

DaveysBtch: why we love our partners

babyfood: oh I have no idea why i love blink

DaveysBtch: ???

RoRoRoYourBoat: that's different

elliespinelli: you're not playing his feelings are you?

babyfood: no! I love him and I'd do anything for him, I just don't know why
babyfood: it's like I'm drawn to him? Like we were meant to be together, yk? I can't explain why I know this but I know that our connection is stronger than any other
babyfood: and I mean it doesn't hurt that he's attractive and can cook lol

DaveysBtch: Aww wait that's cute

RaRaRaAhAhAh: that's so adorable mush

elliespinelli: stop that's so cute

babyfood: lol

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