Smash or Pass

32 1 13

PirateCosplayer: historical figure you'd smash go

Nerd: George Byron

SirFrancis: Alexander Hamilton

Ball: Phyllis Wheatley

speck: Shakespeare

PirateCosplayer: 💀

Icheal: ...are you serious? Like actually?

vroomvroom: SHAKESPEARE??????

CarrotTopIsOffensive: that's so wrong😭I don't even know why

Nerd: I would not want to sit next to you in English class.

TheYGuy: he probably sat there salivating over some guy who threw his poop out of the window and drank from the Thames

TiroCalliente: teacher: and William Shakespeare-
Spot: DADDY.

PirateCosplayer: okay so the author DOES still have material to pull out of their pockets

Ball: noooooo😭😭
Ball: I would fall off of the face of the earth

speck: okay yeah we get it:|
speck: youre just not seeing my vision

SirFrancis: what vision you said Shakespeare💀

Icheal: like bitch you're blind

flash: dude you said Alexander HAmiLtOn

Nerd: I get it.🤷🏻‍♂️

SirFrancis: I knew you would

WalkingStick: okay wait because he WAS kinda fine✋🏻
WalkingStick: like kinda

CarrotTopIsOkay: like lowkey

TiroCalliente: honestly yeah

Ball: absolutely not he was a terrible human being

TiroCalliente: David chose GEORGE BYRON but Hamilton is the epitome of a terrible human being

Nerd: I just wanna give it a whirl. It would be a screw and shoo. I'm just curious.

SirFrancis: same. I mean Maria was after something🤷‍♂️

Ball: STOP

speck: 🧍🏻‍♂️

Mr.Montana: everything I learn about you all is always against my will

karofskylol: stop traumatizing my boyfriend? Like don't do that?

BartTheBarb: remember when my name was BartholomewIII?

Ball: OH MY GOD- no.
Ball: anyway what about you Bart?

BartTheBarb: Marie Antoinette, and then maybe Queen Elizabeth
BartTheBarb: and Marilyn Monroe

vroomvroom: why did most of us choose people who weren't born in America🧍🏼‍♂️

Sin/CinnamonRoll: I'm not taking a chance on anyone before 1940
Sin/CinnamonRoll: like syphilis was rampant😭and rubber condoms- no. No no no.
Sin/CinnamonRoll: there's so many factors to consider

vroomvroom: hypothetically, if they could come to the future, who?

Sin/CinnamonRoll: Alexander graham Bell or Octavian

Ball: does this imply that Elmer's Roman Empire is actually the Roman Empire???

Sin/CinnamonRoll: yes.

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