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I said lin manuel doesn't look like he can rap or carry a tune and someone got maddddd

It's kind of funny how people are so defensive over people they don't know. Like if someone was like "JASON MARSDEN SUCKS BALLS ID CURB STOMP HIM" I'd be like "do what you must, man. That's a little aggressive but I'm not the police". I honestly think lin would laugh at this. I never said he COULDNT I just said he doesn't look like he would. But he can, and he has like twelve hit musicals because of it so...

But my anxiety is making me wonder if this kid would DM him and be like "Sir! Look what they are saying about you!" And he just has a cow, a goat, and a giraffe over it and next thing I know I'm in court for defamation???

Or he makes a tweet and says "haters gonna hate, hate, hate! Stay kind everyone!" but either way I'm getting hate mail from a bunch of people I've never heard of

Anyway, enjoy!


flirter: I have a fanfic published on AO3 about Jack and Davey

Tombstone: sorry????

speck: that's actually so weird why would you do that.

vroomvroom: real
vroomvroom: I wrote one about me and spot when I was younger

speck: what the hell????

SirFrancis: I feel violated
SirFrancis: Davey would too but he's at a shoot right now...if he were here HED FEEL VIOLATED TOO

flirter: I was very drunk when I wrote it

Glasses: I've read it.
Glasses: And it's as bad as you'd expect it to be.

flash: this is refreshing news
flash: anyway, I am happy to announce that I have purchased a guppy, I've named him 1312, and he's awesome

Glasses: down for the cause I see

flash: always

jonoyoudont: I didn't know you were politically left, Morris

flash: yah
flash: it's a pretty chill life to live

karofskylol: anyway, fanfiction is weird when it's about real people

TiroCalliente: why...did you read that

karofskylol: why...are you nosy

TiroCalliente: >:|

Icheal: my throat hurts

#2: and we should care why...?

Sin/CinnamonRoll: I wrote a fanfic about me and Albert being criminals and the whole thing's written from my pov

speck: what the fuck????

Ball: that's not even delulu that's DELUSIONAL😭

SirFrancis: I'd honestly read that

Nerd: Same! I actually really like criminal romances.

speck: again: WHAT. THE. FUCK.

pins: who are you to cuss in the chat? Watch your mouth

Ball: yeah spot watch your mouth

WalkingStick: such a dirty mouth

flash: you need to wash your mouth out with soap

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