Meeting Mr. Montana

50 4 10

SirFrancis: Jack
Nerd: Davey
vroomvroom: Race
WalkingStick: Crutchie
*insertmemeshere*: Finch
ThePickleMan: Henry
speck: Spot
pins: Buttons
Glasses: Specs
flirter: Romeo
Sin/CinnamonRoll: Elmer
CarrotTopIsOffensive: Albert
BartholomewIII: Bart
#2: Mike
Icheal: Ike
jonoyoudont: JoJo
TiroCalliente: Hotshot
Gush: Mush
PirateCosplayer: Blink
TheYGuy'sGuy: Myron
TheYGuy: York
karofskylol: Oscar
JudyMoody: Skittery
Ocean: Waves
flash: Morris
Mr.Montana: Mickey


*karofskylol added "Mr.Montana" to the chat*

karofskylol: fine you can meet him

Mr.Montana: yoooooooo


Mr.Montana: HELLO HI HEY

Ball: I'm Roller🫱🏾

Mr.Montana: oh you're Ozzy's friend? I'm Mickey🫲🏽

Ball: 🫱🏾‍🫲🏽

Mr.Montana: 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾

SirFrancis: wait Ozzy?

Nerd: That is so shamelessly cute.

Mr.Montana: ??? I only see numbers

SirFrancis: you should ask your eye doctor about that

Nerd: I'm Davey, it's nice to meet you.

SirFrancis: OHHHHH oh yeah I'm Jack lol

Mr.Montana: wassup

vroomvroom: I HAVE ARRIVED

karofskylol: oh god

vroomvroom: shut up Oscar you love me
vroomvroom: oh? I new person has been added to the chat? What's you're name

speck: your*

Mr.Montana: I'm Mickey

vroomvroom: OH oh yes yes I have heard of you

Mr.Montana: ...are you high? Is he high?

speck: no

*insertmemeshere*: Race rn:

vroomvroom: WAT NO THAS NOT TRUE

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vroomvroom: WAT NO THAS NOT TRUE

speck: he took too much melatonin now he has to take the day off tomorrow in order to sleep it off

Nerd: How many did he take? Two?

speck: five.

Nerd: Damn it.

SirFrancis: Damn That's crazy

Glasses: Race💀
Glasses: anyway hi Mickey I'm specs

Mr.Montana: hey✋🏽

flirter: woah holy shit mr. Montana is here????



Mr.Montana: who?

karofskylol: no one
karofskylol: gotta go we're at the place we're at bye

Ball: bullshit

CarrotTopIsOffensive: pipe down Nancy Wheeler
CarrotTopIsOffensive: he probably just wants some alone time with his friend, that's understandable

flash: yeah Osc has never had friends as good as roller and Mickey Kahananui before so I just let him have his time

Ball: oh I didn't think about it like that

TheYGuy: why do you call him by his full name

flash: bc this is also the mf that's trying to date my brother
flash: we're not on a half name basis

TheYGuy: o...kay

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