Jack Has Asthma?!

75 4 17

SirFrancis: Jack
Nerd: Davey
vroomvroom: Race
WalkingStick: Crutchie
*insertmemeshere*: Finch
ThePickleMan: Henry
speck: Spot
pins: Buttons
Glasses: Specs
flirter: Romeo
Sin/CinnamonRoll: Elmer
CarrotTopIsOffensive: Albert
BartholomewIII: Bart
#2: Mike
Icheal: Ike
jonoyoudont: JoJo
TiroCalliente: Hotshot
Gush: Mush
PirateCosplayer: Blink
TheYGuy'sGuy: Myron
TheYGuy: York
karofskylol: Oscar
JudyMoody: Skittery
Ocean: Waves
flash: Morris

Also, when Jack says his asthma is activated, he means triggered.


SirFrancis: y'all
SirFrancis: I lost my inhaler

speck: I don't care

flirter: Jack has an inhaler????

Glasses: when the hell did you get asthma

vroomvroom: I don't think you can get asthma
vroomvroom: it's not, like, the flu

flirter: no you can develop asthma at any age

SirFrancis: yeah I have asthma

Nerd: You guys didn't know?

Icheal: obviously not

karofskylol: this makes me feel bad I'm sorry

SirFrancis: okay? Lol

Glasses: okay wait so why aren't you ever wheezing

SirFrancis: it's activated by allergies

speck: HAVSHSBJDNSHAKJS "activated"

SirFrancis: shut up spot

Nerd: I mostly keep him away from things that trigger his symptoms.

pins: like what?

SirFrancis: pollen, dust, stuffy rooms, dog/cat hair
SirFrancis: mostly any particle that flies in the air grass included

WalkingStick: are we talking about Jack's asthma?

vroomvroom: yeah the guys didn't know

WalkingStick: I thought it was common knowledge

SirFrancis: in their defense I wasn't exactly whipping my inhaler out like it was the next big toy
SirFrancis: speaking of which has anyone seen it

Nerd: Did you check your jackets?

vroomvroom: JACK wears JACKets

SirFrancis: yeah

Nerd: Did you check my jackets?

SirFrancis: yep

flirter: how did Jack develop asthma???

SirFrancis: I had walkin pneumonia as a kid and it really messed up my body so I'm now allergic to old buildings
SirFrancis: that's a joke I've always had it just crappy parents

*insertmemeshere*: no one:

SirFrancis: haha😐SirFrancis: it's actually kinda funny ngl

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SirFrancis: haha😐
SirFrancis: it's actually kinda funny ngl

flash: so Jack has asthma?

karofskylol: we've established this

flash: my bad🙄✋

ThePickleMan: they were supposed to tell you your inhaler was at my place
ThePickleMan: he clearly failed

*insertmemeshere*: 🫠

pins: wait don't melt

Nerd: Does anyone else have any allergies I need to know about?

vroomvroom: Albert gets sunburned really bad
vroomvroom: he couldn't tell you bc he's at work rn

jonoyoudont: freaking finally

WalkingStick: JOJO

vroomvroom: JOJOS HERE

Sin/CinnamonRoll: YAY ITS JOJO

jonoyoudont: 😃

#2: hey baby

jonoyoudont: hellooo

Sin/CinnamonRoll: what were you doing today? Ik you don't have work

jonoyoudont: only bc Mike forced me not to go...

#2: we watched a lot of movies and I regret nothing
#2: I'm a simple man, guys

jonoyoudont: but before that I went to church. There was a special thing for my pastor's birthday so I went to help celebrate:)

#2: yeah I helped too! I passed out cake slices:D

Icheal: I just know that was the height of your life

TiroCalliente: be nice
TiroCalliente: that sounds really fun you guys

Icheal: don't tell me what to do/hj

jonoyoudont: he was really good at passing out cake
jonoyoudont: I didn't let him touch the knife tho

#2: only downside to be honest

Nerd: Just...what?

SirFrancis: okay I got my inhaler back

ThePickleMan: he literally walked in, searched for a while, found it, then left
ThePickleMan: like what the hell was that

SirFrancis: wdym I was dying lol

Nerd: Why didn't you use your spare?

SirFrancis: ....

vroomvroom: bathroom, Medda's house

WalkingStick: *our house

SirFrancis: thank youuuuu

Nerd: I-
Nerd: Damn it, you're too cute.

SirFrancis: okay hey I'm not cute
SirFrancis: you are👈🏼👈🏼😎

speck: 😭

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