Davey's Always Been Stressed

46 3 28

Group Chat—Butoful, Chucky Finchster, Tomator, Henry

Butoful: guys we should go on a date

Tomator: I'm down

Henry: where did you have in mind?

Butoful: anywhere is fine. We could even eat from a McDonald's

Henry: I'm not serving you McDonald's, Benny
Henry: All of you deserve better than that

Tomator: McDonald's is good tho...
Tomator: but maybe a bodega?

Henry: Nope, not happening either
Henry: I'd really like us to eat something we don't have often, yeah?

Butoful: hotdogs? We very rarely have hotdogs

Henry: If I give you hotdogs, you won't eat vegetables
Henry: how about I cook for us? I'll make something we don't eat all that often
Henry: plus it makes more sense financially because we're, well, poor

Butoful: but you cook for us all the time

Henry: but there's got to be something I don't make often

ChuckyFinchster: I want enchiladas.

Butoful: now or for the date?

ChuckyFinchster: either it doesn't matter
ChuckyFinchster: I am just really craving enchiladas

Henry: real. I'll see what I can do

Butoful: hey Finch have you eaten?

ChuckyFinchster: yeah sure

Tomator: try not to lie this time maybe?

ChuckyFinchster: no. I was too busy with a client who took longer than expected. I under guessed the amount of time it would take to finish her back

Tomator: thank you for telling the truth:)

Butoful: are you hungry? I'm going in your direction omw from home if you'd like anything

ChuckyFinchster: sure yeah I'll eat something what are you getting

Butoful: sushi. I can get you ramen? I know you don't like sushi

ChuckyFinchster: thank you buttons:,) I'll pay you back

Butoful: ????
Butoful: why?

ChuckyFinchster: for buying my food

Butoful: oh don't worry about it lol

ChuckyFinchster: you're too sweet for your own good lol


Group Chat—Bananas and Apples

Nerd: I hate the way that's phrased.
Nerd: It's "apples and bananas."

flirter: just change it

Nerd: Can't. Race restricted my access.

flirter: ???
flirter: how the hell did he manage to do that

vroomvroom: you don't know my life

Ball: I just made a Hobie Brown Spotify playlist

Nerd: Why?
Nerd: You haven't even seen the movie.

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