Crash Course: Marriage

51 3 23

I'm sorry this one is short:( I haven't been sleeping very well lately, as you can tell. It's worse than other times because most nights I haven't been able to sleep almost at all, almost like when I do, it's because my body is exhausted.

Anyway, enough of me depressing you. I hope you enjoy!!!


Ball: wowza shock of the century
Ball: Katie Baldwin is getting married

SirFrancis: wait Baitie Katie? The girl who was walking appropriation?

Ball: yuppppo. Her. She's getting married.

SirFrancis: wowwww that's wild

WalkingStick: spot can fight me actually
WalkingStick: I'm about to beat y'all's boyfriend with my crutch.

Sin/CinnamonRoll: please don't we all actually like him

CarrotTopIsOffensive: meh hes okay

speck: that's not what you said last night
speck: if I recall I was fantastic, amazing, the best fucking thing to ever happen in your life time

vroomvroom: um spot that was you

Icheal: DAYUM


CarrotTopIsOffensive: checkmate, bottom

speck: I'm tired of defending myself.

SirFrancis: it's good you've decided to stop lying to yourself🥰

speck: I will kill you. Why don't you understand that.

Nerd: Because if you touch him, you'll find yourself six feet under before you can say your name.
Nerd: Not dead, but under there.

*insertmemeshere*: I'm SO confused
*insertmemeshere*: I'm not supposed to be attracted to the idea of someone hurting others for their partners protection

flirter: babe you watched KinnPorsche with me and ADVOCATED for VegasPete I am NOT surprised

Sin/CinnamonRoll: I'm not really happy with the way we breezed past Davey threatening to bury Spot alive

flash: I saw a movie like that once. Was sad.
flash: I liked it tho ngl

karofskylol: you're one of the most unhelpful people I've ever met

flash: thank you🥰💕

karofskylol: gay🫵you gay man🫵

Mr.Montana: Babeeee

karofskylol: yes?

Mr.Montana: you're coming to Montana this weekend right? My moms expecting you and I think she's making your favorite food lol

karofskylol: YES OMG I AM SO On my way!

flash: he just pummeled me???

speck: you probably deserved it

flash: 🖕

Glasses: what if I told you guys I have cancer

Gush: ????

Glasses: no but what if

Nerd: What kind of question is that?
Nerd: If you had cancer, I would help you out any way I can.

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