Harry Potter, Mostly

30 1 13

I'm so sorry this hasn't been updated often? When I first started, it was everyday, but then school started, and it's started again. It's the end of the semester, which means I've got to find out what's going on in my group for the project, and I have an essay to write, and a movie to direct/film, so I'm busy! But never too busy for you;)

I'm also expending my interests, slowly. I think I'm slowly sinking myself into a hole of cosplay? I haven't dressed as anything yet, but I watch people who do and I'm just like "man that's awesome" so idk what that means. We'll see what the future holds.

Anyway, enjoy!

CarrotTopIsOffensive: my dads said that at my wedding we have to serve Senegalese and Mexican food
CarrotTopIsOffensive: so guess we're serving theibou yapp and birria at 10 ✌🏻

Icheal: how is it that the whitest man in America can grow up with theibou yapp and birria tacos as a staple in his household

#2: we all met Jack

SirFrancis: :(

speck: at my wedding I honestly wanna order a pizza and call it a night
speck: then get drunk with my husband and not see anyone for at least a week

Ball: that makes it sound like you have a drinking problem...

speck: are you JUDGING me?

Ball: like Simon Cowell babe🥰

vroomvroom: why am I obsessed with two nerds dressing up as the marauders as of right now
vroomvroom: I am OBSESSED
vroomvroom: idk what time the British run on but I am waiting for another video

SirFrancis: actually waht are you talking about
SirFrancis: the marauders...?

speck: I'm lost too race

TiroCalliente: no one knows what you're talking about

Ball: I feel like I've been left into another dimension
Ball: it took me three minutes to figure out how to spell dimension

Nerd: Oh, this is blasphemous.
Nerd: How can any of you call yourselves Harry Potter fans?

speck: we don't...

Nerd: The Marauders are the predecessors of the Golden Trio!

TiroCalliente: why do you say that likes its common knowledge

Icheal: golden trio...?

Nerd: How are we friends.

CarrotTopIsOffensive: even I know the golden trio

SirFrancis: Harry, hermione, and Ron

Nerd: And Sirius Black (Padfoot), Remus Lupin (Moony), James Potter (Prongs), and Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) are The Marauders—basically the Golden Trio of the 70s.
Nerd: You guys know how much I really like the 70s.

Icheal: Sirius sounds hot

TiroCalliente: it is a very attractive name

Nerd: I've always liked James, but Sirius is very hot.

vroomvroom: Idk James comes off as insane😭
vroomvroom: but the amount of delusion this fandom runs on is astonishing
vroomvroom: and it's somehow more alive than voltron

PirateCosplayer: and newsies:/

Gush: no seriously where is everyone????
Gush: there's just...empty

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