Learning New Things

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SirFrancis: Jack
Nerd: Davey
vroomvroom: Race
WalkingStick: Crutchie
*insertmemeshere*: Finch
ThePickleMan: Henry
speck: Spot
pins: Buttons
Glasses: Specs
flirter: Romeo
Sin/CinnamonRoll: Elmer
CarrotTopIsOffensive: Albert
BartholomewIII: Bart
#2: Mike
Icheal: Ike
jonoyoudont: JoJo
TiroCalliente: Hotshot
Gush: Mush
PirateCosplayer: Blink
TheYGuy'sGuy: Myron
TheYGuy: York
karofskylol: Oscar
JudyMoody: Skittery
Ocean: Waves
flash: Morris

For limited time only Race is McQueen

you'll know who Crutchie is lol

Private Chat—Crutchie, Tommy Boy

TommyBoy: Crutchie I think I like them

wheelsbutwithcrutches: like who?

TommyBoy: henry buttons and finch
TommyBoy: what do I do I've never liked three people at once

wheelsbutwithcrutches: oh okay

TommyBoy: That's it?

wheelsbutwithcrutches: hush I'm adding someone

*wheelsbutwithcrutches added McQueen to the chat*

McQueen: I'm smoking wdyw

TommyBoy: That's not healthy

wheelsbutwithcrutches: he has a crush on three people babe we need to help him

McQueen: ooooh great news then?

TommyBoy: no?

McQueen: who is it?

wheelsbutwithcrutches: henry finch and buttons

McQueen: even better
McQueen: so they're not complicated people. Very easy to read, caring, great people 10/10

TommyBoy: Im ignoring that you've rated our friends

McQueen: they were probably already trying to figure out if you liked them while you were on your date last night

TommyBoy: it wasn't really a date we just got dinner and got to know each other

wheelsbutwithcrutches: sooooo a date?

TommyBoy: ...fine
TommyBoy: What do I do?

McQueen: I suggest talking to them
McQueen: they're very close and protective of each other, so if you're going to date them you need to take it slow

TommyBoy: okay that's fair

wheelsbutwithcrutches: we're rooting for you Tommy boy

TommyBoy: lol thanks


Group Chat—Live Old, Die Young

SirFrancis: I just learned that the Spanish speakers of this chat speak slower for me to understand

Icheal: you weren't supposed to tell anyone

#2: haha yeah we do



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