Ike and Davey

36 2 12

Look, I have no idea who the people in those photos are. They're Pinterest people and they just fit my vision.

Also, for the sake of this, Jeremy Jordan takes care of his curls. Oh, and notice how I used people with sunglasses💀

This one's short, sweet, and simple. I wish there was more but I'm catching up on work since I moved schools lol so I'm a bit busy...

I'm also probably gonna join GSA, Choir, and BSU (and maybe volleyball. Fashion club) so then I'll be BUSY busy but never too busy for you guys because you're my peeps and I can't leave my peeps.

Anyway, Enjoy!!

Private Chat—Isaac, DavingtonStovetopEsquire

Isaac: Daveyyyyyyyyyy

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: Yes?

Isaac: give me food

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: No...?
DavingtonStovetopEsquire: Get it yourself.

Isaac: omg ur literally so fake why are we even friends if you don't even like me enough to get me food fake ass friend

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: I'm excited to be in your wedding.

Isaac: it's gonna be sooo good
Isaac: after I started planning it like a birthday party like you told me to, Shot and I have been having so much

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: I'm glad that that worked for you. How is Hotshot?

Isaac: more stressed than usual, but I think he's okay:)
Isaac: he's been hanging out with me and spot more and I think it's affecting him

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: Good or...?

Isaac: This morning I told him I was having some issues and he laughed in my face and said "sucks to be you" and then came to help me

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: The only off putting part about that is that he's usually immediately extremely helpful.
DavingtonStovetopEsquire: But if we look at it in the sense that he is from Brooklyn, it's not so hard to believe.

Isaac: fair
Isaac: wait there's something I have to tell you bestie

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: I'm listening.

Isaac: if you wanted to propose to Jack at my wedding, I'll allow it

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: Ike...I'm not doing that.

Isaac: but I gave you permission!!

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: But it's YOUR day. Jack and I will get ours, but this day is focused on you. Let it be that.

Isaac: fine
Isaac: I like the spotlight too much to share anyway

DavingtonStovetopEsquire: "You love a limelight, too, now, baby."

Isaac: oh my god ur such a nerd


Group Chat—The Boys

RillyHilly: Jack

JillyKilly: race

ChillyMilly: Crutchie
ChillyMilly: can we stop playing word association and get to the point??? Time is money babes

RillyHilly: propose to your boyfriend

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