Oscar + Roller

44 3 15

Zaboomafoo: Oscar
RollBounce: Roller

I love reading past chapters because it's so easy to see I took short hiatuses between some point because my humor's changed a bit lol

If you're wondering what happened, I went to high school, met some friends, and they ruined me/j

Anyway, enjoy!


Private Chat—Zaboomafoo, RollBounce

RollBounce: I literally haven't spoken to you in forever

Zaboomafoo: no I actually miss you
Zaboomafoo: you're the Ernie to my Bert 🫶🏻

RollBounce: wait aren't they gay for each other

Zaboomafoo: they are???

RollBounce: yah I'm pretty sure
RollBounce: you know how the gays would have roommates for life

Zaboomafoo: righttttt
Zaboomafoo: anyway we should do something together

RollBounce: no omg we should
RollBounce: wanna play 8 ball

Zaboomafoo: I'm down


Jack cleared his throat softly, wringing his hands together like dishrags. It would've been easy to say he was nervous, so simple for anyone to notice he was shaking from top to bottom.

He'd never felt this way before around Davey. No matter the situation—asking him out, asking to be more, their disastrous prom—he always knew he could count on his partner to keep him grounded, and to support him no matter what. But he wasn't so sure.

They were set to discuss the very foundation of the tall building that was their relationship. Jack was scared to build one more floor, but he was terrified that the entire place would come crashing down. "You okay?"

Davey looked down at his boyfriend, who was shaking harder than a dancing leaf, and sat down next to him, grabbing his hand. "Are you anxious about something? What's going on?"

"Nothing- nothing bad", Jack managed, and he felt his mouth dry up faster than a California summer. "I just...I have a question."

"Okay." They waited. Davey began to run his thin against Jack's hand, and Jack began to curl his fingers into Davey's. They were pulling on each other for their desperate need of reassurance, but Jack was scared that Davey would pull away. Forever.

Davey gave himself the short end of the stick. "You know I love you, right?"

"I love you, too", Jack nodded, a small smile breaking his blank exterior. "But I'm scared."

"Me, too", Davey chuckled. "I'm scared about everything."

Jack laughed, feeling himself settle back into reality. He was aware of every single nerve ending under his skin, and every blood cells rate of mitosis—it was sickening. But it was welcomed, for he knew it was the requirement of basking into Davey's unmistakably bright light. "I'm sorry if I freaked you out."

"Don't be sorry", Davey demanded, a caring grin on his face. "Was something bothering you?"

"Um, yeah." Jack breathed in—one, two, three, four—and breathed out just as quickly, squeezing Davey's hand softly. "So...marriage is a...thing that I would- I would like to do...with you."

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