Unlikely Friendships

91 4 11

SirFrancis: Jack
Nerd: Davey
vroomvroom: Race
WalkingStick: Crutchie
*insertmemeshere*: Finch
ThePickleMan: Henry
speck: Spot
pins: Buttons
Glasses: Specs
flirter: Romeo
Sin/CinnamonRoll: Elmer
CarrotTopIsOffensive: Albert
BartholomewIII: Bart
#2: Mike
Icheal: Ike
jonoyoudont: JoJo
TiroCalliente: Hotshot
Gush: Mush
PirateCosplayer: Blink
TheYGuy'sGuy: Myron
TheYGuy: York
karofskylol: Oscar


Ball: best smell go

karofskylol: uh eucalyptus

Ball: ooohh
Ball: who are you

karofskylol: I'm Oscar

Ball: oh I'm roller
Ball: my names funny and ironic bc I'm a lesbian
Ball: my chat name I mean

karofskylol: my names a glee reference
karofskylol: I was actually named after Oscar Wilde

Ball: are you💅✨

karofskylol: my brother likes to paint his nails sometimes and I often let him paint mine too

Ball: No are you gay

karofskylol: uhhh idk
karofskylol: I'm still trying to figure that out lol

Ball: oh no worries
Ball: I'm claiming you as my best friend

karofskylol: cool

Ball: what's your favorite color

karofskylol: atm it's green

Ball: atm?

karofskylol: it changes a lot

Ball: how old are you

karofskylol: I'm 21

Ball: oh cool I'm 23
Ball: I was born before Jack and he hates me for it
Ball: also the fact that I'm better than him in every way/hj

karofskylol: oh
karofskylol: yeah me and my brother are kind of like that lol

Ball: do you love your brother?

karofskylol: yeah we're really close
karofskylol: in high school we had a really horrible reputation and I used to bully this group (I regret it a lot bc they've been really nice to me) because I was really upset and he helped me through that

Ball: why were you upset?

karofskylol: I was trying to find out who I was and my uncle wasn't the biggest help with that so I took my anger out on all of the wrong ways

Ball: oh yeah
Ball: I used to be very quiet and standoffish but then I was like "this isn't you bestie" and now I'm like this

karofskylol: lol

Ball: are you going to the Oklahoma trip

karofskylol: uh yeah Crutchie invited me

WalkingStick: you summoned me

Ball: were you watching for your name?

WalkingStick: no comment
WalkingStick: would you guys want to room together? I'm actually writing the list for that right now

Ball: hells yeah

karofskylol: sure

WalkingStick: cool
WalkingStick: we're actually packing today (because no one listens to me) since we're leaving in two days I'd start doing that

karofskylol: oh-

Ball: 🫡

WalkingStick: byeeeeeee

Ball: I'll talk to you later Osc, alright? Gotta go pack

karofskylol: okay bye talk to you later

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