Wrench- Babysitting

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"I'm coming!" I shout to the front door.

As I open it up, a familiar figure stands in the doorway, grocery bag in hand and a wink on his mask.

"Wrench, thank God, are those the supplies I asked for?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, before I get a reply, a small black haired little girl comes dashing from the living room, crashing into my legs.

"Annie, be careful!" I tell my 5 year old cousin.

"Ah so this must be the princess I've heard so much about" Wrench coos, crouching down and ruffling my cousins hair.

She let's out a high pitched giggle before wrapping her arms around my legs.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask Wrench. He nods as I let him in.

I bend down to pick up Annie, carrying her in my arms to the kitchen where Wrench has out down the 'supplies' I texted to him.

"Are you a superhero?" Annie asks Wrench, staring up at him from the floor, "Superheroes wear masks too".

I stifle a laugh before looking at Wrench, tilting my head for an answer.

"Uh, yeah, I'm best friends with Batman and Wonder Woman" Wrench replies, emptying the shopping bag.

Annie stares at him, her mouth agape.

"Alright, why don't you go draw my friend one of your amazing photos" I bend down and smile at Annie, he gives an exaggerated nod before running off, seconds later I hear crayons being emptied onto the floor.

I sigh, "Babysitting is fun but so much hard work"

I look through the 'supplies', the ingredients I need to make Annie's preferred dinner, I can't help but to spoil her.

"Did you want to stay for dinner, there's plenty to go around" I ask Wrench shyly, beginning to prepare the meal.

"If you're cooking, absolutely" He relies, squeezing my shoulders.

"Y/N boyfriend, come look at my drawing!" Annie shouts.

My eyes widen before I giggle and reply "He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend!"

Wrench winks and shrugs before going to see Annie.

About ten minutes later once dinner is in the oven, I go to check what Wrench and Annie are doing, and stumble into the cutest scene I've ever seen.

"Y/N, look at Wrench, isn't he so pretty!" Annie giggles.

Low and behold, there's Wrench sitting cross-legged on the floor wearing a tiara and a wig, his mask still on, and fake pearl necklaces draped over him.

I smile wide, "You've done a wonderful job my princess" I say to Annie, kneeling down and pulling her onto my lap.

"Queen Y/N needs a makeover too" Wrench says to Annie in a girly high pitched voice.

Annie's eyes go wide as she then grabs loads of her dress up things and puts a crown and jewelry on me.

"Now you both look like a king and queen, kiss!!" Annie shouts, I laugh before gently squeezing her cheeks and telling her dinner is done.

We all have dinner and I clear away everything before Annie's parents come home. I say goodbye to Annie who's off to bed, and my aunt and uncle thank me for looking after her.

Me and Wrench begin to walk to his car. As he gets his car keys out of his pocket I see that he's kept the drawing Annie did for him.

"What did Annie draw you?" I ask him, smiling.

"She called it 'future'" Wrench tell me, handing me the folded up piece of paper.

It's a child's drawing of a character that looks like me, holding hands with another character that looks oddly simar to Wrench, there's hearts everywhere and love hearts in the characters eyes.

"She asked me if I'm going to marry you" Wrench laughs and tells me.

I blush before saying "Sorry, she's a romantic already"

"Nah it's okay, I told her that I have to take you on a date first" he replies.

I laugh before I release what he's just implied.

"Are-are you asking me out?" I nervously say.

Wrench nods, so I smile and nod back, before getting into the car with him.

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