The Wings! Romance

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"I think this is the best one" Harper holds violet fabric next to Nini. "You know, since the boys aren't here...let's talk about them" Kourtney grins before turning to Jessie. "My brother tells me you 2 have something special going on. And I need to know more about it."

"What? Is this a meeting to see if I'm good enough for him?"

"As his big brother, you could say that a little."

"Hey, back on topic, you and Bryan?" Val smirks.

"I mean...a few days ago...he told me he likes me...and I guess, we've been trying it out."

"EEEH!" Kourtney squeals. "That's amazing, and I definitely approve. Bryan smiles a lot when he's around you."

"Only she would know since she's never introduced us before!" Ashlyn jokes. The girls never really got over that. "Gina never introduced us to her brother."

"My brother didn't live with me" Gina defends herself. "But this is about your brother's relationship. I'm glad his romance is going well."

"G, is something going on between you and EJ?" Val asks. Gina was hesitant to answer since she thought she was the problem. "I guess...I've been a little jealous when I see EJ hanging out with...someone else" she didn't want to out Val in front of everyone, she didn't wanna embarrass either of them.

"What? Gina, that's crazy" Ashlyn rolls her eyes. "EJ's obsessed with you if anything."

"I know, it's just...I guess a college graduate and a soon-to-be junior never really work out, especially when that junior is jealous of just one girl."

Val keeps her eyes down. What other girl has EJ hung out with that's not her or Gina? She had hoped she and Gina could be friends. She wasn't trying to steal her boyfriend or anything, and she definitely needed to talk to her about that sooner or later.

"Oh, come on, Gina" Nini rolls her eyes. "You and EJ are great together, don't let anyone tell you differently."

"Romance is a funny thing" Harper jokes. "At least, teenage romance."

"You should know, you and Jack have something going on, don't y'all?" Gina smirks.

"Oh, don't turn this back on me. Jack is really cool and sometimes...a bit sneaky at some times. But we're just friends, okay, there's nothing romantic happening between us. We're cool."

"You sure?" Nini grins.

"Yea, trust me, Jack and I are just friends."

"Glad to know someone's friends with him" Gina mumbles to herself, but the girls still heard her.

"Gina, how much trouble are you having?" Kourtney asks. She had no idea. "Well, Jack is my friend, but every time EJ sees us...he does his uncomfortable face...or uncomfortable glare, I don't know what's up with him."

"It's not that he doesn't like Jack, it's that he's jealous of how close you guys are together" Ashlyn explains, and the girls look at her confused. "What? I'm his cousin, we talk, ya know?"

"Wow!" Gina says. "I had no idea. Guess I should've known. Why would EJ think that?"

"It's EJ. He's jealous...but that just shows how much he cares."

Nini looks at Gina. The last time EJ was jealous was when he was with Ricky. That's because he cared about her. Nini and EJ broke up because she thought she couldn't trust him, and she doesn't want Gina and EJ to end up that way.

Back with the boys, they were still looking up videos about what to do with the dress. "That's it!" Seb suggests. "Gina runs off the stage like Uma in the movie, quickly changes, and returns on the other side of the stage."

High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: Season 3Where stories live. Discover now