Chapter eleven

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👆🏼OMG. Let's take a moment to appreciate my baby. And yes I said my baby.

Nate's pov

Jack said he saw Sammy and my son. Zach. Wow he named him Zach, god I can't wait to see him and Sammy... I want to see how Sammy's been doing, how Gorgeous he's gotten. Don't judge me for having these thoughts. I'll always love Sammy. I want to see Zach, see who's eyes he has or who's dimples.. Sammy's or mine? I want to know so bad.. and can't wait!!!

"Nate baby?"

I turn around close my book that I'm writing some stuff down in. Some lyrics.... I sing a little here and there. I'm writing some stuff. "Yeah baby?"

"What are you doing?"

"Just sitting and writing"

He looks over my shoulder and says "can I see?"

I sigh and smile as he leans down and I open my book, he looks at it and says "Awe baby" he stands and I close my book.

"I'm going to take a shower baby"

"Okay!" I yell

He walks in and shuts the door and as he closes the door I hear his phone, I pick his phone up answer it "hello?"

"Is this Jack?"

"No it's nate"

"Oh.. My god. Nate?"

"Who's this?"

"Who's it sound like?"

I hear the voice and it clicks.. Sammy!

"Sammy.. How are you"

"I'm good. Listen tell Jack I said the Taco Bell in three days.. I couldn't think of a better place so Taco Bell"

"Okay.. Sammy?"


"I can't wait to see you"

"Bye nate"


----- Jack walks out of the shower and I sigh saying "Sammy Called. He said Taco Bell in three days is when we all can see meet up. The Taco Bell close to Taylor's"

"Okay baby"

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