Four years later: Chapter two

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Jack Gilinsky's pov

"Oh my god Ashley come here!" I scream to my baby girl while Wesley is in the bathroom taking a shower.

"Wesley Ashely won't listen to me! She'll listen to you.." I say.

He walks out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and looks at Ashely "baby girl, be good for daddy Jack okay?"
She nods and gives Wesley a hug..
He seems to be her favorite in this relationship.

You all are wondering Wesley? Wesley stromberg? Well yeah.. We got into a relationship.. And he's Ashely's other daddy now even though Nate is the real one to her.. But he's gone so Wesley is taking his spot.

I think Wesley is gonna ask me to marry him. I love Wesley. But I regret leaving Nate so bad.. For what caused me doing it and what caused Sammy to do what he did to ruin Nates life. He tried to take the most important think away from Nate.. Which was me.

I have no idea what Dillon's doing. I think he's hardcore into drugs and he's with some guy named Taylor caniff. He's not good for Dillon.. He got Dillon into shit.

"Jack baby? Can I go to the studio and work on some Tracks with Kenny?"

"Sure but try to be back tonight when I'm awake so we can spend some time together"

He nods and gives me a kiss grabbing his coat then goes to Ashely and gives her a hug "bye baby"

He walks out the door.

I look at Ashley and she has a box of something? "Ashely baby what is that?"

I go to see what she's looking at and its some pictures that are in a box "baby where did you find these?" I say as I look at a picture of me and johnson.

"I see you looking at these sometime daddy. And you cry. When your doing looking at them you put them under the bed.. So I wanted to see them."

I sit beside her and look through them with her, she grabs one that i don't want her seeing of me and Nate. "Baby give me that" I say.

She grabs onto it as I try to take it. "daddy. Who's that putting his lips on yours?"

"No one baby." I say.

"Daddy.. Why won't you tell me? It's not daddy Wesley so who is it?"

I take the box of pictures and put them above the TV where she can't get them.

She looks at me and says "why do you cry when you look at those pictures?"

I should tell her. Tell her who her real daddy is. If she tells Wesley I told her.. He'll be pissed. But she needs to know.

"Honey go sit please"

She goes and sits on the couch.
I sit beside her.

"Baby. That guy.. Was Nate. Your- your real daddy." I say.

"Daddy please don't cry" she says.

I smile and say "he's your real daddy baby. But that doesn't mean Wesley is not. He is. But Nate is the one who's the real one. and Nate is not here baby. He's in heaven."

"Is he best friends with God daddy? Cause that's where the beautiful and nice People go isn't it? That's what it said on TV"

"It is where people go. And Nate is best friends with God."

"Daddy.. Was daddy Nate even more beautifuler than he was in these pictures?"

Oh my god.

"Yes he was baby. Supremely. 👇🏼

So whatcha think?
Oh and I'm gonna publish a book about me! Like stuff about me. What I love. Who I love. My fav songs and stuff! And you can ask me any questions you want:)

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