Chapter thirty five ♖

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Nate's pov

"Oh my god Jack.."

"Nate I heard it all! How could you still love him! Does that mean you don't love me?"

I groan and say "Jack that doesn't mean I don't love you! Cause I do! So much.. I wouldn't of proposed if I didn't! And I wouldn't be happy of the baby if I didn't!"

He heard it all... I feel terrible. He's crying and he looks like his heart just broke

"Jack please.. I love you Jack! Don't think I don't... I was just explaining everything to Zach... Jack i want to spend the rest of my life with you baby! And the baby I wanna be here for the baby and you!"

"Are you sure Nate?"

"Jack im so sure"

He leans forward and kisses me, I melt myself into his lips and run my hands down his back "baby Jack.. I love you more than anything, if it wasn't for you then I would've died.."

"Nate the baby is gonna be a boy, I wanna name him Jackson"

"You found out the gender? When?"

"Yesterday Nate, you were at the park with Sammy and Zach.."

"Why didn't you call me and I would've went with you!"

"But Nate baby, you were busy"

I smile and grab Jack bringing him into a hug "where would I be without you Jack.."👇🏼
So how was it!?

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