Chapter fourty four ☆

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Dillon's pov!!

I unlock the front door and pick my bags of groceries up, I bring them in the house and put them on the table, wait where's Nate? Is he still in his room? Cause when I left he was in his room. I'll go check.

I walk down the hall past the bathroom, i try to open the door but it's locked "Nate open the door up! I got you your gel for your hair! That new gel that you said works on your hair.. Will that make you feel better?"

He's not opening the door.. I try to jingle the door knob, but the door doesn't open. "Nate open, open the door Nate please, your worrying me"

He's not opening it... I hit the door with the side of my arm and it doesn't open, I hit it with my arm again and I bust in falling on the ground.. I look around and I see Nate.. Oh my god... He's laying on the floor.. I stand up aid run over to him but this is in slow motion.. It seems like it's in slow motion.. "NATE!" I say.

I shake him and he doesn't wake up.. I look beside him and see a gun.. No he didn't.. He couldn't of. Oh my god "Nate!!!" I scream

"Oh my god! No! No! No!" I try to do CPR.. I know it won't work.. He shot himself.. But I'm trying it.. Oh my god. I need to call 911 "hello?? My best friend Nate just committed suicide! He shot himself! come here quick"

I hang the phone and I'm crying so hard I can't see, my eyes are blurry.. I look beside Nate and see a note, I pick it up.. I wipe my eyes and slowly read it.. Oh my God.. He was so so upset. "Nate! Why! So many people needed you! I needed you!!"

I hear sirens and the doors but open, they come in and try to pull me from Nate "no!" They pull me and put Nate's body in the stretcher, they try to check for a pulse "he shot himself!" I scream.

They look at each other.. "He's gone boy" they say to me..

"No he's not! He can't be! This is just a dream! Please be a dream"

They look at me and say "sorry.. Son. He's gone.. It went right through his skull.."

I look at the stretcher going to the ambulance.. It's still in slow motion..

I grab my phone and dial jacks number.. "Jack? Jack? There's been something That happened.."

I hear Jack cough and he says "Dillon why are you crying? What happened?"

"He killed himself.. Nate killed himself and wrote a letter.."

I hear Jack gasp.. "WHAT! WHAT! Oh my god!! Oh my god!! I'll be right there" he says.

He hangs the phone up and I call Sammy "Sammy..."

"Hello Dillon?"

"Sammy.. Nate killed himself. He shot himself.." I say.

I hear Sammy start crying, I also hear Cameron asking what's wrong.. Sammy's telling him.. "I'll be there in a while Sammy!" He says.

I put the phone on the ground.. What's happening..👇🏼👇🏼
A couple more chapters left then I'll be publishing the sequel.
Whatcha predict?

↠ You Found Me ↠Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora