Chapter fourteen

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Jack G's pov!!

Nate is speeding so fast down the road! We are going to get Dillon cause they called and said they were granting Nate's request. Damn this oughta be Fun! Not... Dillons gonna be in the way of everything! Fuck... I look at Nate and he's chewing his fingernails while looking out the windshield. "Okay jack, we are almost there, one more hour of driving"

"Okay.." I look out the window and hopefully this hours not to bad.. I can feel us having a argument and wow that'll be bad.

----------- a hour goes by and we are at the prison. Nate jumps out of the car and walks to the gate, I jump out and run after him grabbing him "calm Down" he smiles and says "I'm calm!" We walk to the gate and a guard sees us, he asks who we are and Nate answers so he buzzes the door letting us in. I walk in the visitation room and wait there with Nate.

A guard comes out ten minutes later with him... He looks up and sees Nate, he smiles so hard and runs towards him, he hugged him and said "oh my god! I'm getting out of here!" He's older than Nate.. What the hell. Why did Nate date him? No clue. Dillon looks at me and says "you must be Jack?" I smile and lend out my hand, he shakes it. This kid looks harmless.. But I don't trust him. But Nate does. I'll have to keep a close eye on that kid.

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