sorting things out.

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Alright I'm gonna make a few things clear. Some people have asked me many questions about this story, so I figured I'd make things clearer.

1. Why is Mituna written differently in some parts but not in others?
It's because of the accident. Mituna is actually very smart but he sometimes forgets what's going on.
2. What does it mean when Cronus says 'I didn't let it happen to us I won't let it happen to me' or something like that?
It's not mentioned or brought up but Dualscar almost lost the boys due to incompetence and "neglect". Cronus had to dig them out of hole so they wouldn't be taken away.
3. Why was it so easy for Sollux and Karkat to break up?
I mentioned it once or twice, but the reason why it was easy is because Sollux was trying to fill the void that Eridan had left. Karkat knew that's what Sollux was doing but didn't say anything. He was trying to make Sollux happy.
4.why did Eridan leave without telling Sollux?
That whole idea was requested by a reader, so I can't really explain it. It kinda had something to do with Eridan not wanting to break Sollux's heart.
5. In the chapter the day I meet him part one, why does it use troll terms?
Hehe, that was a flub on my part. I had actually started the series as trolls but then I was like nah let's make this humanstuck and I just never changed it.

If any of you have any more questions feel free to ask, here or at the tumblr casuallywisecuttlefish. Bye bye for now.

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