Morning Birds (pt. 4)

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Karkat's Pov-

After everyone was done eating, we walked to Sollux and Eridan's cabin. We wanted to find out what was wrong with them. Their cabin was only a short walk from the mess hall, about half a football field away. We walked in four groups; Terezi, Dave, John and I walked in front, Nepeta, Feferi and Aradia were behind us, Rose, Jade, and Kanaya were next and those in the back were Tavros, Equius and Gamzee. We separated because we would cause to much noise as a single group. As we approached cabin we could hear people talking. "Hey! How come I'm the only one that's naked?" I held up my hand. "Everyone wait." I whispered. The others crowded around where my group stopped. "What is it Karbro?" Gamzee asked. "Sollux and Ampora are doing something." I looked up at the cabin that we were a few feet away from. "Are you eager to see me like that?" Some of them gasped. "Shh!" I hushed them. "Maybe." Sollux mumbled. "Fine Fine. I'll let you do the rest." It was quiet for a few moments. "Sol? Are you okay? You were looking distance." What was going on?

Sollux's Pov-

"Sol? Say something... You're scaring me." I shook my head. "I can't. I can't do this." I sat up, pushing myself up onto my elbows. Eridan leaned back on his legs. "W... I'm sorry. Did I push you too far? I knew I shouldn't of... I'm so stupid. This is all..." I stopped his words with a kiss. "Shut up ED." I looked up at him. "Then why?" It's going to be hard to tell him. I think I realized something after the party at Rose's or maybe even before that. Who knows. "I'm aromantic."

Eridan blinked a few times at me. "Oh." I sighed. "I'm sorry. I should've said something. But I didn't know how you would react. I guess... I thought that you'd hate me or leave or something crazy like that. I just... I don't..." Eridan pressed his lips onto my mine. We've been doing that a lot lately. He pulled away from me. "Its okay. You don't have to worry about that stuff. I understand." I blinked. "You do?" He nodded. "Yeah. If that's the way you feel, then I'll respect that." I smiled. "Thanks babe." I gave him a quick kiss. "Let's get dressed so we can go see the others." Eridan rolled off of me. "Okay."

Karkat's Pov-

"Let's get dressed so we can go see the others." Eridan spoke. "Okay." Oh shit. "Guys, guys." I looked at the others. "We need to get going. Now." I knew that I should've just walked the other way, so they got the picture but once the words left my mouth, Terezi yelled, "RETREAT!" Shit! God damnit Terezi!

(And this ends Morning Birds. Hope you enjoyed that. And I love aromantic Sollux. Actually I love any aromantic characters. Anyway, please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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